Chapter 4

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It had been about two weeks since my coming here, I like it so far. I was still quite traumatized by what had happened in the bathroom but I was okay because I have amazing friends. I smiled and went out of my house, "Hey, my little lion! Every time you get out of your house you smile all the time? You can't wait to see my face?" John said as he jumped on me and wrapped his arm around me.

I laughed and removed his arm away, "Maybe," I smiled.

He was shocked, "What's with that?" he laughed and wrapped his arm around me again. We walked and took the bus to school.

"Hey! How were your old friends like?" John asked me suddenly, the question caught me off guard.

"Umm...well, Oh, we're here," I said as I jumped off the bus to join Jack and Emily. John just shrugged off the question and got off too. I don't like talking about the people in my old school, it scares me.

Jack stared at me for quite some time, "Did John bother you?" he asked.

I looked at him I was stunned to be asked that question, I shook my head.

He lifted an eyebrow, "Okay, you just didn't look that good," he said with a blank face.

I must be making a horrible face and my face probably showed my confusion because Emily came over to me and said, "Jack isn't normal is he? He can tell what the other person is feeling with just one look," she said as she acted disgusted. I laughed and nodded, she patted me in the back, "don't be afraid to tell us anything, okay?" I nodded again, she really was an angel.

June and Mimi came after, "Hey!" June said as he smiled at me I waved and hid my face, again Jack was staring at me. We walked to our lockers, mine was the furthest from the others.

"Hey cutie!" a guy passed by me and whistled, I knew from the voice that it was one of the boys from yesterday. I stood there trying to ignore them then someone pulled on me, my heart skipped a beat and I sweated a little, "What are you doing? Hurry up!" John said as he pulled me away from my locker, I smiled and nodded. I felt relieved that it was him.

I walked with them to my class, I was happy and smiled my brightest but, "Why are you still holding my hand?" I screamed in John's ear.

"Hey! Sorry okay? I just wanted to walk my little lion," he laughed, I shook my head and pulled my hand away.

During lunchtime, I made my way to the library, "Hey," Mimi came up to me smiling shyly.

"Oh, hey," I said awkwardly.

"Umm...I haven't really talked to you, but you're a funny guy," she said as if she didn't know what to say.

"Oh, am I?" I'm not really good with girls, they make me feel bad somehow like I'm jealous.

"Can I have your social media? I can give you June's too and well, the others too," she said.

"Sure," I smiled happily. We exchanged social media and talked, we got to know each other better she also talked a lot about June too. About how June likes the color black and when he was little he used to want to be a superhero. I laughed and enjoyed talking to her, Jack saw us and joined us and we talked some more. When we reached the library we went to sit down, the others hadn't come yet so I went to look at some books.

"Hey, were you ignoring me this morning? You know I was talking to you didn't you?" a similar voice called out to me. I stood frozen, cold sweat flowed down my forehead as I calmly ignored them again. "Hey!" they grabbed my arm hard, no one could see because we were hidden by the bookshelves. They laughed and giggled as they held me, I tried to scream for help but my voice couldn't come out.

"Stop!" a deep, angry voice called out, "What do you think you're doing?" he came and scared them away.

"Are you alright?" he asked I looked up to see who it was, Jack held me in his arms, "They will pay for this, I will teach them a lesson so they won't bother you anymore!"

I wanted to cry in his big arms but I held back my tears, "I'm okay,"

"It's okay to cry," he said with a gentle voice. Don't show me kindness, I don't want to feel like this. I cried in his arms and held onto him.

"What's wrong?" Mimi said as she came closer, I was scared that she would see the state that I was in.

"It's nothing, go back to the others," Jack said as he hid me from her sight, she went back and left us. When I calmed down, he patted me slowly and wiped my tears, "You got snot on me," he said jokingly, I smiled and thanked him. We walked out of the shadows of the bookshelves into the light, I could still feel Jack's strong hold on me. We went over to the tables, the others had already joined long ago.

"Why is your face red?" John asked.

I felt my cheeks, my face felt hot, "It's nothing," I said hiding my face. I sat down as Jack pulled June and John to a private place, they discussed something then came back.

School was finally over, again I thought I could walk home with John but again he had somewhere to go. I walked closer to my house as I heard footsteps behind me. I was afraid to look who my follower was so I ran straight home and went inside. My mother wasn't home yet so I slouched down on the sofa and curled up to help stop my trembling.

My Secret, Our Secret (BoyXBoy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora