Chapter 2

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I woke up the next day ready to start a new day.

"Honey, wake up and eat your breakfast," my mother called from downstairs. I was a junior in high school but I haven't grown any taller. I was still as skinny and short as before. My skin was pale and I had really light features. My lips are the only really pigmented part on my body. The color of my hair is light brown and my eyes were a grayish blue.

I walked into the dining room and greeted my mother, I sat down and ate my oatmeal. My mother was a single parent she raised me by herself and she never complained about it. She worried and cared for me like a normal parent, although the other parents talked about her behind her back she never shows anything but a smile. I admired and loved her that's why I'm afraid, I'm afraid of her and the people I love. After I ate my breakfast I said my goodbyes and walked out the door.

I walked down the street, I was still trying to map out the streets and roads. I walked some more and turned a corner, I stopped to look at the boy with reddish, brown hair looking at me, John?

"Oh, hey! You live near here too little lion?" he said cheerfully as he walked over to me.

"It's Leon and yes I do live near here. How about you?" I stare at him with a glare.

"Yeah, I came from up there!" he laughed it off and pointed to the uphill road. Uphill is where the rich people lived, the houses up there were amazing.

"You live up there?" I asked amazed.

"Yeah, now let's go to school!" he dragged me by the arm. As we walked I saw other rich kids coming down the hill in fancy cars being driven to school. Why doesn't John just get driven to school? We took the bus to school, on the way I was attacked by jokes and questions.

"Where did you move from?" he asked while he smiled in my face, he was still handsome as ever. I moved my face away and answered him.

"I used to live far away but my mother wanted to live near her parents so we moved here,"

"Where was that?"

"In New York..."

"Wow! All the way from there to California?" he asked amazed.


"So do you like it here?" John asked.

"Well, I haven't lived here for long so I don't really know," I answered.

"I will make you like it here then. We live pretty far from the crowded places so we don't really have to worry about that much people," he looked at me and showed his dreamy smile, I almost fainted. We got off the bus and reached the front of the school. Jack joined us, he greeted us as he yawned. Emily was touching her phone and paid no attention to us, she looked good as always.

"Ah! Mimi said they're coming right now," she said excitedly. John looked at her then at me he mouthed, "hopeless" in my direction. I didn't understand so I just shrugged and smiled, that made him looked at me and came over to me.

"I'm saying she isn't interested in Mimi coming but is waiting for June instead," John whispered into my ear, his warm breath hitting me. I just nodded and hid my face. He looked at me with confusion and laughed it off like he always does. Jack looked at me his eyes piercing through me, I could never know what he sees in me.

June came running at us, "Where is Mimi?" Emily said as soon as June arrived.

"I left her behind!" he laughed, I looked behind him and saw a short haired girl running at full speed and hitting June in the back once she stopped, "ouch!" June yelled as he turned around to face his sister. They stared straight at each other, I thought they were going to kill each other and panicked but they both laughed and became all bubbly again. I was so surprised to see how close they were, I saw a shadow behind them and looked behind Mimi. A boy ran at full speed towards them, deja vu. The boy stopped and started talking to June and Mimi, he handed something to them and left.

Who was that? "That's our kid brother," June said as if he could read my mind.

"Oh..." I answered back. We laughed and joked then went to class. We went inside to find our seats. I sat next to John and he was grinning at me non stop during the whole class.

Morning classes were over and it was afternoon now, I walked over to the library during lunchtime. I walked to the shelves and brushed my hand on the finely lined books, there was laughter coming from the table in front of the shelf I looked through the books to the other side. Mimi, Emily, and June were there, they were laughing. I looked at June's laughing face and smiled,

"Do you need a book recommendation?" Jack said behind me, I jumped at his sudden appearance.

"Um...yeah, sure," I said, I was trying to calm my heart down. He moved to pick out a book then came back and gave me a book. I looked at the book briefly and laughed, it was a children's book. Are there really these types of books in this school? He smiled at me and went to join the others I followed and went with him.

"Here are you all, you guys didn't even tell me that you were meeting here?" John said pretending to cry, they laughed and honestly I laughed too.

After school Jack left for swim practice so June and Mimi left, Emily left with them. I thought that I could go home with John but someone came to pick him up.

"I'm going to walk home with my little lion," he said as he protested to get in the car.

"But John your father wants us to take you somewhere right now!" the driver argued with him.

"Fine, bye little lion!" he sighed as he got into the car. I smiled and watched the car disappear. I walked away and got on the bus.

After I got out and walked for a while I thought I felt someone following me. I turned around to see a student from my school, I didn't think much about it so I went home. I got home and slept for the rest of the day.

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