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“So they are moving to Jozi?”

Hayley said slowly, taking in the sudden shock of the move. Nate nodded silently. Hayley put her hand on Nate’s knee and squeezed it softly. Nate placed his hand on top of hers and laced his fingers between hers. Hayley leaned her head against Nate’s shoulder. Nate closed his eyes and rested his head on top of hers.

She was so comfortable. Hayley swore she heard footsteps behind them and a door open. Hayley lifted her head and frowned, looking around.

“What’s wrong?” Nate asked curiously.

“I swear I just heard someth...” Hayley’s phone rang loudly. She jumped and gasped.

“Oh, it’s just my phone. Excuse me for a minute will you?” She asked, standing from the seat and pacing up and down the room.  “Hello?”

“Miss Bennett, this is Dr. Roberts, sorry to bother you so late.”

Hayley frowned and massaged her temple. Hayley smiled at Nate and then walked out into the hall.

“It’s alright, do you have any further information on what we, err, what we were discussing?”

“Yes, I actually do, Now Hayley I need to know, is Lewis under any sort of stress or in any pain?” Hayley thought for a moment.

“His mother passed away this afternoon, so I guess so.” Silence.

Hayley was just about to ask if Dr. Roberts was still there but then she spoke, her voice sounded more stern and sharp.

“Is he impulsive?” Hayley frowned at her question, where was this leading to?

“Yes, at times, I’m sorry how is this going to help anyt...” Dr. Roberts cut her off,

“Hayley, where is he right now?” Hayley turned to face the front door and noticed it was wide open. Hayley could feel herself starting to panic.

“He, He’s sleeping.” Hayley stuttered.

“You are positive?” Hayley gulped and backed up down the hall and back into the lounge where Nate was. “Go and find him Hayley.”

Hayley ended the call and stared at the floor in shock. She couldn’t move: it felt as if her feet were cemented to the spot.

“Nate,” She breathed, “Did you leave the front door open?” Nate shot up from the chair and walked, no more like ran into the hall.

“Shit!” He turned and ran upstairs into his room.

“Lewis is gone!” He yelled, running back downstairs and grabbing Hayley’s hand, tugging her to the front door. He grabbed a torch and a coat for himself and Hayley and pulled her out the door. 

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