Faction life

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Chapter 1-Faction life

I woke up early terrified I was sweating and besides that my eyes are open I'm still asleep.My mom called me, she was always up early maybe that is just so she can make breakfast for us. Ever since my older sister went to erudite instead of staying in abnegation things were tense.I am gonna go trough the test today and I'm terrified.I've had nightmares about it I would stand there and hear the woman who toke my test say you fit in erudite.The woman never had a face I could see her body her dauntless clothes but when I tried looking at her face it was just nothing.

"Are you nervous?" mom said while baking an egg.

"Yes, I've had nightmares about it." I said trying to control my nerves and not looking to tense.

"Can I do your hair?" Lexy my little sister asked.

"Yes but just put a bun in."I said.

"You'll be fine.You are totally abnegation."My mom said and that should calm me down but it didn't I don't know if I want to be abnegation.

Lexy was brushing my hair really soft I never did it soft my mom said I probably ripped out half of my hair.I'm not that patient another thing that doesn't make me abnegation.

My mom is done cooking and she puts four plates on the wooden table.Than she puts the eggs on the plates.

"You look beautiful daling"my dad said while he looked at me.

"Is your hair okay?"Lexy asked.

How do I know we may never look in the mirror except for special moments.

"Yes, thank you lexy"I said.

"What are you going to do today lexy?" my mom asked .

"I don't know"she said I forgot all people younger than 16 got a day free from school.

We ate our eggs in silence as usual lexy kept looking at me with a nervous smile as if I could leave her any moment.Maybe she was right I don't know what I will do after I get my results.

"Things changed! keep that in mind"my dad said.

It was true things had changed factions are back but people can visit eachother.You choose a faction you will live in but factions aren't living in own sections a house from a dauntless person can be next a house from an erudite person.What Tris did is in all history books on school.Everyone knows who she was she is a legend.Chigaco is just chigaco and factions keep working fun you can even choose to work as a factionless but still have a home.Four is a leader in dauntless to help people get their job.Peter does financial work and helps you decide how you can spent your money the best way.Christina is a leader too who helps the girls and boys when thing get tough.

How I know all that? Not because a part is in our history books.Because I did my research not just for the project at school but also because I tought they were amazing real heros.Legends!

" I know dad.I'm gonna choose what I wanna choose.The faction I want to work for." I said.

"Thats good" He said but I saw in his eyes he wanted to tell me something he hates.

"I'm pretty sure it's not erudite" I said he smiled.

My sister went to erudite in the time of the war she never came back.We never saw her again not even when everything was over and everything changed.Some people still hate erudite even after those years.Family members who have transfer daughters or sones most of the time never reunite.I'm mad at her for that I know times changed but I can't stand erudite members it's jusy what they did.I'm pretty sure that after a few more years things will be normal femely members talking and laughing.Thats my vision on the future.Yes, I know what your thinking.I see the future to bright.But at least someone has to try to see a bright future.

No factions at all was a disaster.Nobody knew what to do.Everybody was lost...It was chaos.Candor people trying to take over amity jobs.Amity people holding guns in dauntless jobs.Erudite people trying to be honest in candor jobs.Dauntless people trying to help people by doing abnegation jobs.Abnegation people taking over things from the factionless.

Candor people trying to take care of the land.Factionless trying to study things and teaching things to do some erudite jobs.I tought it was funny seeing unusual things.but after a few weeks I got a little scared.There was no control if other countrys wanted war they would have drove over the amity people trying to be dauntless.If it would have been winter we wouldn't have enough to eat because the food from amitys land was all dead.To make a long story short in the end we would have all died.

The gounverment tought it was smart to get the factions back.So everyone knew what they had to do.It still seems like a smart idea to me.The test changed to its not about personality or divergents because thats all gone.You can still have multiple factions to work in.

"You have to go soon"mom said.

"I know I just keep thinking about this nightmare" I said while I shivered.

"Its just a dream taylor!"mom said I smiled politly but this dream is chewing on me from the inside.

"You will be fine " lexy said whith a smile on her face and she winks at me.

Mom and dad left at the same time.Lexy turned to me andere smiled I didn't know why.She walked to the mirror and toucher on a few buttons thans I realised what she was doing and I smiled.I know I shouldn't but I did. It's against the rules and that weirdly makes me feel good it takes the tention away from the test I'm about to go trough.

"I watched mom do it every time she opens it.I know it's against the rules nut if your fine with it." lexy says looking at me to get permission.

"Yes I know it's wrong nut I'm okay with it." I say with a big smile on my face.

We stand next eachother looking in the mirror.We both have blonde hair, my hair is lighter thans hers.My eyes are bleu lexy' eyes are green.That's a difference, oud skin is pale.I look at myself in the mirror and see that I look exhausted.My eyes look blury blue instead of light up eyes.My hair looks good but that is because lexy did it.My lips look bad because I always bite on my lip when I'm nervous and lately that happens a lot.Lexy looks at me in the mirror and sees the worried look on my face I always get looking in the mirror cause I point out all my flaws.

"Are you done?" Lexy asks.I wonder if she did it before, opening the mirror when mom and dad are gone.

"yes, thank you" I say with a smile on my face as she closes the mirror.

"It's 9.00 am you should go if you don't want to be late.You can't be late your abnegation."Lexy said.

"I know" I say I give her a kiss on her cheek.I know we are not allowed to do that in abnegation but we are breaking rules now anyway.I'm changing I feel it and it's the day of the test and i"ll find out today why I'm changing.

"Eew what was that for?" lexy says disgusted by the kiss.

"I made an exception and broke a rule"I say smiling while I leave the house.

What is gonna happen next? What will her result be? What will taylor choose? Read the next chapter to find out!

Thank you for everyone who reads this! Give me some feedback if you want.

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