Getting ready for school

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Izzy's POV:

All the girls were asleep when I snuck out to meet Calum outside of Tay's house.

I quietly tiptoed out side and saw Calum leaning against Taylah's P plated car.

I smiled and he returned it.

"So why did you want to meet up?" I asked quietly.

"Because I need to ask you an important question." He said back pulling a smirk.

"Go on..." I said wanting to finish the sentence.

"Well I have Known you for years and I have grown feelings for you. I was wondering if you would be my Girlfriend?" He asked me fiddling with his fingers.

"I feel the same. And yes! Never in a million years would I say no." I whisper yelled as he pulled me into a hug.

We both started to lean in slowly.

Our lips finally touched. I could feel Cal smile through the kiss.

"Night." Calum said walking off.

"Night." I said back walking back inside smiling of what happened.

The girls were making a racket when I woke up.

They were getting ready for school and applying 'special products' on their skin.

All I could think about was what happened with Calum last night.

I smiled and got up.

"Morning Lazy arse! Wait why are you smiling?" Zoey shouted at me.

I shook my head and I simply pointed the wonderful finger at her and went to the bathroom.

As I was washing my hands I found a blade under a cloth.

"What the actual fuck?" I murmured to myself.

"Taylah doesn't cut." I murmured again.

I put it back and walked into Taylah's room.

"What's wrong?" Taylah asked me.

"Nothing. Oh wait. I just found a Blade in my BestFriends bathroom. That's what's wrong." I said back.

"That's not mine." She said pulling up her sleeves and pulling down her pants proving it wasn't her.

"It's not mine either." Zoey said back doing what Taylah did.

"Wait. Jasmine cuts." Taylah said.

-Jasmine is Taylah's big sister (19)-

"I allow her to hide them in there cause mum and dad never go into my bathroom." Taylah said.

"Okay." I said back.

I was rubbing my head with relief.

I got changed into my uniform and did my hair.

We all ran to the kitchen like mad idiots on crack and had 3 NUTELLA sandwiches before we left for school.

I felt so happy that Calum asked me out.

"So babe why is it that your so happy today?" Taylah asked me winking stupidly.


"Tell us!"

"No it's nothing."


"Okay when both of you were asleep I met Calum outside and he asked me out." I said.

Zoey said,

"Oh congrats. I need a bf now."

"Oh babe trust me I know someone who likes you." Taylah said.

"Who?" Zoey asked back.

"Michael." I interrupted.

"Really?!?" She asked getting all excited.

"Yes." We both said at the same time.

We continued walking to school.


I know that chapter was shit.

I'm crappy at writing. I should just stop.......

I'm just fucking with you.

IzzyWinch I hoped you liked that chap.

Gtg bye! Taylah.

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