Chapter 25

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*3 years later*
Sophie's POV:
Brad and I have been together for three years and five months. It's weird to think about but I still live with Allison and Lydia, but now the boys have moved in. Tristan and Anastasia got married one year ago and Brad and I are waiting our first baby.

Brad: baby!
Sophie: what?!
Brad: come downstairs!
Sophie: okay!
I walked downstairs and saw Brad in the kitchen.
Brad: I made you pancakes
Sophie: thank you bradybear
While I ate my breakfast I heard laughing coming from the living room.
Brad: Tristan and Anastasia are here
Sophie: okay
Brad: let's go to the others
Sophie: I'm coming
We walked to the others and sat down on the couch.
Tristan: hey Soph
Sophie: hi
Tristan: we want to tell you all something
Brad: what is it?
Anastasia: we are waiting our first baby
Lydia: are you pregnant?
Anastasia: Yes, we found out yesterday
Lydia: I am so happy for you guys
Tristan: thank you
Anastasia: So Sophie, how far are you?
Sophie: five months
Anastasia: only four more months and Brad jr or Sophie jr are here
Sophie: I can't wait. I want to hold whom now
Tristan: what is the gender?
Brad: we don't know
Lydia: Allison and I are going to arrange a baby shower
Anastasia: do you need any help?
Allison: yeah, that would be great if you can help
Lydia: we can talk about it later and tell you what gender it is
Anastasia: okay
Tristan: have you talked about baby names?
Brad: yep, you?
Tristan: we have
Connor: tell us
Tristan: for a girl Sarah and for a boy Dylan
Lydia: I like those names
Tristan: thank you, what about you mate?
Brad: for a girl Rebecca and for a boy Nathan
Anastasia: we thought about Rebecca but we liked Sarah more
Sophie: so good that we didn't choose the same names
Anastasia: yeah
James: Lydia?
Lydia: yeah?
James: when are we going to have a baby?
Lydia: maybe in one year
James: why?
Lydia: I'm not ready
James: oh okay...

Lydia's POV:
I saw the disappointment in his eyes but I am not ready. I thought.
Lydia: I promise in one year
James: okay
His eyes lit up and he hugged me.
James: I love you
Lydia: I love you too
Connor: Allison?
Allison: yeah?
Connor: can we have a baby now?
Allison: maybe, but I can't decide
Connor: I know but we can try...
Allison: Of course we can try
Connor: yay

Anastasia's POV:
After a while Allison, Lydia and I went upstairs to talk about the baby shower.
Anastasia: So what are we going to do?
Lydia: we are going to have two cakes, one for a boy and the other for a girl
Allison: we want to have blue and pink theme. We will invite close friends and family
Anastasia: how are you going to tell the gender?
Allison: we thought maybe we could have a balloon and fill it up with blue or pink confetti, and they need to take a needle and burst the balloon
Anastasia: sound cool. They would love it
Lydia: the baby shower are going to be one week before the term
I nodded. We went done downstairs again and they watched a movie.
Lydia, Allison and I cuddled up to our boyfriends.
Anastasia: what movie? *I whisper*
Tristan: the kissing both *he whisper back*
Anastasia: I love that movie *I whisper*
Tristan: I've never seen it before but it's more for girls *he whisper*
I giggled and kissed his cheek.

Connor's POV:
After the movie we decided to go out and eat. We walked to Pizza Hut and ordered two large pizzas for us all.
Connor: I want you in bed now *I whisper*
Allison turned to face me and giggled.
Allison: tonight *she whisper*
Connor: promise? *I whisper*
Allison: yes *she whisper*
She kissed me and the food came. We laughed and had fun. When the clock was 7 pm, we went back home. Allison and I said goodnight to the others and started our make out session.
Allison: I... love... you
She said between kisses.
Connor: I... love... you... too
We kissed for a while before it got more heated.

Sophie's POV:
The clock was now 9 pm and we all went to bed.
Brad: I love you
Sophie: I love you too
We kissed for a while before we went to sleep.

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