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im pulling situations out of my ass, just so you know. i have no idea what im doing. ah well, S.O.C.K.S, right?

Marie went first (obviously), and Flash insisted he went next. Cocky as usual, he scanned his pass.

Friday's unemotional voice echoed through the speakers. "Alpha pass- guest." Flash jumped in shock, causing scattered laughter throughout the group. Scowling, he took his place by Marie.

Everyone scanned their passes after Marie, and it soon came to MJ, Ned, and Peter.

MJ and Ned went through, without problem, Friday greeting them as she did the others.

Peter stood in front of the scanner. He held his breath and scanned his badge.

"Delta pass- Peter Parker. Welcome back. Would you like me to alert boss of your arrival?" Friday's voice suddenly acquired a human-like lilt.

"Nope! No. Not at all necessary. No need to tell Mr. Stark. Don't tell him." Peter spluttered out. He was honestly sweating enough to fill a river.

"As you wish, Mr. Parker. Enjoy your field trip." If Friday could have, she would have smiled along with the statement.

Everyone's gaze was locked on Peter. Flash was the first to speak up.

"Why do you have a Delta pass? Marie said interns have Gamma passes. Did you steal it, Penis?" Flash accused, venom dripping off of his words. Silence erupted, and thickened until a sudden sharp voice pierced through it.

"I do believe his name is Peter, although you Midgardians seem to have strange... 'nicknames', or so they're called." Everyone whipped around to see the owner of the voice. "Why do you look at me so? I am simply here to say hello to my friend Peter, who, by the way, would actually kill himself before stealing something or committing any crime, really." The green-clad god turned to Peter.

Taking a breath, he continued. "It seems now is not the best time to talk. I'm at a 7, it's not urgent, but... Shall I see you later?"

"Y-yeah... Yeah! Yeah, haha! Totally." Peter's eyes darted around as soon as he vanished. Everyone just... stared at him with complete and utter disbelief. Whispers of "wasn't that guy the guy who tried to destroy earth or something?", "he's friends with Loki??", and the likes washed over the crowd of students.

Quickly, as soon as the excuse flitted through his head and checked out as a good reason for why he had a Delta pass and his current Loki Problem™️, he blurted, "I'm Mr. Stark's personal intern!" Peter bit his lip.

"Yeah. And I need access to everything, so I can be wherever he is. And, by extension, I'm also... acquainted with some of the Avengers and their friends and families.

It was clear by their looks that most of them didn't believe him, but after the previous display, none of them bothered to protest.

Marie had them follow her to an elevator. Flash pushed past her and into the lift. Rolling her eyes, she and the rest of the class followed suit. Ned looked at Peter with a worried expression, most likely at the fact he was a living waterfall.

"Dude, you alright?" Ned put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "You could always back out, you know. You know the Avengers, they'd probs let you crash in the Avengers living room or something. Oh my god, is there an Avengers living room? That would be so cool. Just imagine, all the Avengers in casual wear, sitting on the couch, watching a movie. Do you guys have movie nights???" Ned's gentle reassurances turned into frantic fangirling.

Peter smiled. Ned freaking out over the Avengers was calming him down a lot.

"Oi, dipshits. We're walking." MJ shouted.

Peter and Ned ran to catch up. They were going to see the R&D labs.

They entered the labs.

"Okay, do not touch anything unless instructed to do so or permission is given." Marie looked at the sea of high schoolers. "I understand that you all probably know this already, but it's standard protocol. No touching." Marie smiled and walked over to where some interns seemed to be working.

She took a breath before continuing. "Here, in the R&D department, is where the majority of Stark technology is made. The process is long, and when a new prototype is out, it takes quite a while to-" A large explosion cut her off. Three figures stumbled out of the room (or what was left of it), covered in ash and hacking up their lungs.

From one of the three came a very thick, exasperated Wakandan accent.

"I tried to tell you that wouldn't help! You can't just shove things in places and expect it to work!"

Peter Parker One-Shots Where stories live. Discover now