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❝ i saw all the people behind their masks

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❝ i saw all the people
behind their masks.
i saw them, and
there was suffering. ❞
sunday noon

❝ dead people receive more flowers than the living ones  because regret is stronger than gratitude

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❝ dead people receive
more flowers than
the living ones
because regret is
stronger than gratitude. ❞
thursday morning

❝ boys cry, cigarettes do kill, parents lie, boats sink, flowers die,life goes on, with or without you

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❝ boys cry,
cigarettes do kill,
parents lie,
boats sink,
flowers die,
life goes on,
with or without you. ❞
wednesday evening

 ❝ there are two reasons whypeople don't talk about things; either it doesn't mean anything to them, or it means everything

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❝ there are two reasons why
people don't talk about things;
either it doesn't mean anything
to them, or it means everything. ❞
saturday noon

Fatto il misfatto

Hogwarts: A Photography BookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora