Best friend since grade 4

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Chris and I been best friends since grade 4. He has a crush on our friend and I'm in a relationship. He supports me and accepts me. In case you have forgotten and that's okay, I go by they/them and she/her pronouns. So, like "girlfriend" and "theyfriend" will be okay with my partner use to describe me if they like

He describes me as, "Sweet kind loving beautiful funny and the word I am really happy that you are my best friend" (I asked him, how would you describe me)

My instagram: Undyne21
His Instagram: C.Soccer7840
He also have Snapchat but I don't and I don't know his account. But, we made a snap video as like, "memories" he putted. The reason there's, filters on pictures are because we took the pictures on Snapchat then he saved it and shared his post on his Instagram account

We both post on our Instagram stories. The first one, is his. The second one, is mine. We took the picture today on the bus, before it was his stop to go home. We love each other as best friends and siblings. He is happy that I'm in a relationship with someone who I really love and support/care about

 He is happy that I'm in a relationship with someone who I really love and support/care about

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