Chapter 1

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Romance Editorial Department Office...

Miyako: A joint manga?

Maeno: That's right. Ken'll give you the details.

Miyamae: (Meaning you've already forgotten them.)

Nozaki: Ken, I shall listen with utmost attention!

Miyamae: (Whose side are you on, Nozaki?!)

Miyako: I shall also listen with utmost attention, Mr. Miyamae!

Miyamae: (She's polite, so I'll let that slide.) Ahem. As you both know, another cultural festival is approaching. The idea of a joint manga was both introduced and approved of during a meeting between the editorial staff this morning. Each editor is to pair up with another editor. (And of course, as usual, I got stuck with Maeno!) Both editors must then choose one of their artists to take part in the idea. Simply put, you two shall publish an issue together that shall entail an equal "fusion" of both your manga.

Maeno: Fun, right?

Nozaki: ...

Miyako: ...

Miyamae: (Needless to say, this is quite sudden, so a refusal's to be expected. Would save us all a lot of trouble too.)

Nozaki: Okay.

Miyako: That does sound like fun.

Miyamae: (Well, that was quick.) You both do understand what you'll have to be doing, right? You don't mind working together?

Miyako: I'd like that a lot.

Nozaki: Me too. It might provide more manga ideas.

Miyamae: (Typical Nozaki...)

Miyako: Besides, I always have admired Nozaki's work.

Nozaki: Likewise, Miyako.


Maeno: Well, that's that. All that's left is to tell you the title of your manga.

Miyamae: (Maeno, don't you dare...!)

Miyako: Oh? You both chose a title?

Nozaki: ...

Maeno: We call it...

Miyamae: (MAENO, DON'T...!!!!!)

Maeno: "Fall In Tanuki Romance"

Nozaki: ...

Miyako: ...

Miyamae: ...

Maeno: Magnificent name, isn't it?!

Miyako: Uh... yes... (Again with the tanuki?)

Miyamae: Mm... (I was planning on waiting until they finished the manga to reveal the title. I'd have just put it on the end result, handed it off, and when Nozaki comes asking about it, say I had no say in the matter. But... with this...)

Nozaki: ...

Miyako: Are you okay, Nozaki? You're turning pale.

Nozaki: Excuse me for a second.

Miyako: Uh...! Is something wrong, Nozaki?

Nozaki heads for the door.

Miyamae: Yep, here it comes.

Nozaki leaves the room.

Maeno: Huh. Wonder what's eating him.


Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun: Fall in Tanuki RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now