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( Mother Gothel - This is how she looks in the story - She looks young)

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( Mother Gothel - This is how she looks in the story - She looks young)

( Flynn Rolo - Carlos Rackley)

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( Flynn Rolo - Carlos Rackley)

(Clementine - Me (18 Years Old))

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(Clementine - Me (18 Years Old))

(Young Clementine)

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(Young Clementine)


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(Stabbington Brothers)

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(Stabbington Brothers)

(Flynn Rider - King of Corona - My (Clementine's) Father)

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(Flynn Rider - King of Corona - My (Clementine's) Father)

(Rapunzel - Queen of Corona - My (Clementine's) Mother)

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(Rapunzel - Queen of Corona - My (Clementine's) Mother)

Narrator: (Flynn Rolo - Known as Carlos Rackley)

Clementine was only 2 years old when she was taken from the castle. Just like on the night when Rapunzel had been kidnapped, Mother Gothel looked young because she sang the song when she was close to Clementine. She turned young again. Clementine started to cry, but by the time Rapunzel and Eugene had gotten to her room she was gone and the doors leading to the balcony were opened. The kingdom searched for a long time, but they could never find the young Clementine, for locked away in an even more remote tower, Gothel had once again found her magic flower. This time she intended to guard it with her life. Unlike when she had Rapunzel, Gothel was determined to make Clementine even more scared of the world than Rapunzel. Clementine's hair was never cut and it grew at about 4 feet a year. By the time she was 17, it was almost 80 feet long (Longer than Rapunzel's hair). When she was about 6, her hair was about 24 feet long, she took a very thin chunk of hair and cut it. The hair turned brown and lost its power. She would never forget the rage of Mother Gothel. Clementine's 'Mother' never let her cut her hair. She always wondered why. She thought that she would always be trapped in the tower until she died, never knowing what the world really held. 

My P.O.V: ( Young Clementine)

 I woke up at about 10 pm, it was my sixth birthday. I crept to Mother's room and peeked in and I saw that she was asleep. I then quietly snuck to the window of the tower and opened the window, and looked out at the floating lights. I felt like they were somehow for me because they only came out on my birthday. I watched the lights until they disappeared and then I quietly closed the window. One of the windows made a loud creaking sound. I quickly closed the window despite the sound and quickly and quietly ran to my room just as I got the door of my room, I saw mother's shadow go towards the window. Only then did I realise my mistake, I had left one of the windows slightly ajar. I ran into my room, clambered into bed, and pretended to be asleep, just as Mother walked into my room. "Clementine? Are you still awake?" I pretended to be asleep. Once she thought I was asleep I heard her go back down the stairs and get back into bed. I then went to sleep for real. 

 Carlos' P.O.V: (Thief - In alliance with the Stabbington Brothers)

"Guys lets RUN, RUN, RUN!!! Carlos and the Stabbington Brothers were running from the Captain of the Guards and Maximus as well as the other guards because they stole Clementine's (The lost princess') crown. The Stabbington Brothers gave Carlos a boost when they came to a small cliff type thing.  They then asked Carlos to help them as well. "I would, but my hands are full". Carlos had taken the Crown when the two brothers weren't looking. "RACKLEY!!!" Carlos ran away and ended up on Maximus' back. When Maximus realised this, he stopped and tried to snatch the satchel from Carlos' hand. They fell off a cliff. Carlos found a 'wall', except it, wasn't a wall, but a whole heap of vines hanging from a low rock opening. He went in just before Maximus came past the place where he had stood just seconds before. Carlos was relieved. He turned around and decided to hide out there until he felt that it was safe to leave. When he turned he was surprised to find a very tall tower. He saw that the window was open and decided to climb the tower. He got into the tower, slammed the window shut and was about to open the satchel to look at the crown when he was knocked unconscious. 

A.N  (Author's Note):

Please leave a comment on what you think of the story so far. Sorry for the Cliffhanger. Hope you enjoy the story of Clementine. 

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