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"In an odd phenomenon known as superfetation, a pregnant woman releases an egg a few weeks into her pregnancy. The second egg is fertilized, and the woman is then pregnant with two babies simultaneously."

Superfetation ; noun. The occurrence of a second conception during pregnancy, giving rise to embryos of different ages in the uterus.


Hello my name in lavender Evans i have quite the tale to tell you. But before we can get started on my magical adventure of a life, it would seem I have to divulge my dreaded past. And the rarity of my birth. You see my birth was something called a Superfetation birth. To put it simply that means that my mother got pregnant while being pregnant. I know it sounds impossible and extremely unlikely. While it is extremely unlikely and while it is rare for this phenomenon to happen, it is not impossible. Well now to the past.

My story started on May 13th 1959 in a small dinner in London. The great war (world war II) had ended a few years back, but the carnage that was left over from the war still left everyone shook. London had decided to send an ambassador to Germany's capital, Berlin. The ambassador was to be guarded by small military unit containing 15 soldiers, my father was one of those soldiers. My mother very much so disapproved of my father going on this envoi. But still he left, on May 6th he departed London. Although my mother was very much so aggravated with my father she still 'shared' the night with him. That night my twin sister Lily was conceived.

Three days later on May 9th, 1959 two soldiers showed up at my mother's doorstep and gave her the sorrowful news of my father's passing. Although he was not my biological father, he is still my older sister petunia and my twin sister's father. And so I have always referred to him as my father. Now would you like to know how i was conceived? Well now lets go back to a small dinner in London on May 13.

There my mother was sitting with a good friend of hers, Margaret Smith, and her two year old daughter Petunia. Petunia was sitting in a high chair (she was a very small child) joyfully playing with some french fries on her plate and deconstructing her child sized cheeseburger. My mother had no clue what to do, seeing as my mother had never worked a day in her life and my father was the only income in the household. She was currently asking Margaret to look after Petunia for a short time.

"Please Margaret all i need is a week then i'll be back on my feet again. I've got'in a job in a factory that metal presses pots and pans. It's hard work, but i can do it." My mother was now pleading for help. But little did my mother know that the next thing she said would change her life forever. "Please ever since my husband died all i can do it seems is cry but i've come to terms with what happened. Now my bills need to be payed and i need to feed my child. Working may be hard and at times controversial amongst the masses. But i can do it." After that being said Margaret could not deny her friend's request.

"Alright Rose i will help you just this one time, but I hope you know that I will never help you again. You are a strong women, and you have never needed or wanted help. You are Rose Samantha Evans. Do not forget who you are. You are a strong and independent woman remember that Rose." At this point Petunia was done eating and now she was preoccupying herself with the little bows on her skirt. "Alright Rose i have to go to the store to pic up some dinner fixings. I'll see you later."

After my mother said her farewells to Patricia and Margaret, she ordered herself a cup of coffie and just sat there lisening to the jukebox play 'The everly brothers bye bye love'. Rose was quitely singing along when a man came up to her. He was a rather tall man with thick brown hair and bright blue eyes.

"Excuse me ma'ma but mind if i join you?" he said with a bright smile. My mother took a secont to look him over. He was wearing a black sute that looked like it was very expensive, and he had a nice gold rolex watch around his wrist. All in all he was a very handsome man, and looked very rich.

And that was it my mother had met my biological father. I do not know what had happened next, all though I do know that at some point that night my mother and my biological father conceived me.


Disclaimer I do not own any of the Harry Potter series or the characters that privilege belongs solely to J.K.Rowling.... I also do not own any of the pictures in the story

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