Part of Me (continuation)

Start from the beginning

I opened my eyes.

I felt a little bit anxious as I stare at the familiar white ceilings.

I looked beside me. Then suddenly, all of my fears and sadness went away when I saw him, sleeping with his head resting on the mattress and both of his hands holding mine.

It happened again. Me, waking up in a hospital and seeing someone sleeping beside me, waiting for my consciousness while holding my hand. Expect for now, I feel complete. I feel free, enjoying the brightness.

He slowly opened his eyes and it suddenly became alert when he saw me.

"Dear lord, am I really looking at the real thing now? Or is this just another one of my dreams?" He mumbled but I heard him.

I smiled and squeezed his hand gently. "No, Sean. This is real." I said then I felt my tears release from my eyes.

He looked at me, he gasped with surprise and happiness. He immediately hugged me and I heard him sob softly.

"E-everyone thought you're g-gone." He tried to speak. "But I didn't lose hope. I knew you're alive, Kaycee. I knew you are." He hugged me tighter and heard joy in his voice.

I broke from the hug and cupped his face. "I missed you so much."

He closed his eyes and kissed me like he's been dying in thirst to kiss me again. I poured my heart into every movement of our lips, as if I'd die if I stop.

"Oh, my god Kayc—" we both pulled out when we heard the door opened.

They're here.

My mom, my dad, Devon, Kylie, Tahani, Bailey, Julian, Josh and Charlize.

They looked at me as if they saw a ghost. Without hesitation, they all ran and hugged me as they all started crying and my tears fell down again.

After all the tears and receiving all the hugs that I missed so much and telling me how happy they are to see me, they chose to leave me with my family for a while. Sean gave me a smile before leaving the room.

"When the accident happened and the police said that they couldn't find your body after searching for a year, we thought that you're gone and that was the most painful thing that happened. I'm sorry, sweetheart. We're very sorry that we gave up easily." Dad said.

"We all gave up, living the belief that you really did left us for three years. But there's one person who didn't give up." Kylie smiled.

"Everyday, Sean visits us, checking if we're okay, reminiscing memories of you. And he visits Miami, more often than we do and he even planned on living there once. He said that he thought it would make him feel closer to you." Mom said, making me cry once again.

"When we told him that we stopped the search, he got upset and keeps on saying that you're still alive and we didn't believe him." Devon looked down. "Sean changed since then. He didn't visit us often anymore. Whenever we see him, we could see the evidence of his tears that he pours out almost every night. And he..." my brother stopped and he looked uneased.

"And he what?" I asked with my shaky voice from nervousness.

"H-he even planned on jumping off the cliff where the accident happened."

I covered my mouth with my hand as I felt my heart break.

"Thank goodness, we also visited Miami that day, not knowing that he also went there. It also broke our hearts when we found out what he was planning to do." Mom said, hugging me while caressing my back to give me comfort.

"We thought that he was lying when he told us that he found you." Kylie said, crying. "We're sorry, babygirl." She hugged me as well then Dad and Devon joined.

"We can't be more happy than we are now. We can't believe that this day would come." Dad said. "Sean deserves you more than we do. Those three years when you were not here only proves us more how much that man loves you."

At this moment, all I want to do is to hug and kiss Sean and never let him go. I don't know what I did to deserve someone like him.

After the conversation, they asked me to take some rest. I haven't told them yet about what happened with me inside those years and about Kenneth. I wanted to know the reason why he did that, but I feel like I don't want to see him anymore. He let me live with those lies and didn't even saw guilt in his eyes even once.


I woke up, seeing Sean by my side. He told me that he insisted to drive me home instead when I wake up so they could get their sleep since it's already 12 in the midnight.

While driving, I couldn't stop staring at him. He's a masterpiece that I'll never get tired admiring.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" He asked, smirking.

"I just can't believe that this is happening." I answered.

"Well, neither do I but you can do that later, love. I have to focus on the road and your stares are melting me." He said, his eyes still focused on the road.

"Oh." I chuckled, looking down as my eyes gazed on his right hand, holding on mine so tight.

The car ride was filled with stories about what happened while I was away. My heart danced as I listened and thought about how lucky I am. To have him. To be here again.

Later on, we reached home. My heart cried in delight as I saw that nothing changed. I miss this place, and the person I lived in with inside.

"It's too late to cook for dinner. I'll just call for a Chinese food delivery." He said, before turning to leave the room but I pulled his arms hugged him again. I placed my ear on his chest, listening to his heartbeat that gives me a soothing feeling and contentment. I felt his arms hugging me back tightly.

"I missed listening to my favourite music." I said, making him chuckle.

I faced him. "I love you, Shamu." I softly said.

"I love y—" I pulled him off, cutting his reply and owned his lips. I missed the feeling of my heart, rapidly beating whenever I kiss him. It never changed since the first time we kissed.

"The... dinner." He said, catching air after breaking from the kiss.

"It's already here." I said before completely taking his lips again and heard him laugh between our kisses.

That day, I knew I found my way back under the lights. And finally found the missing part of me that I was longing to find.

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