Hoseok - neighbor

Start from the beginning

You stared at the ring on your index finger. You remember having a childhood friend but completely forgot his face and name. You remember him leaving to another city leaving you alone. You have made friends after he left, but the connection wasn't there so you weren't really close with them.

Before he left he gave you a ring.

"Don't cry, I have a gift for you" he tried to cheer up your uncontrollable sobs. You both were just outside his house and looking at the black car that would take him to the airport made you sob, since it was your last time seeing him.

Your 14 year old self curiously looked towards him to see him holding a small, dark blue box in front of you. What is that? you wanted to say. But couldn't since you were crying to much it was almost impossible. He slowly opened the box in front of you to show two silver rings engraved with your names.

You pouted while watching him take one out. "See? It's has your name on it. I'll always wear it so I'll never forget about you." He smiled before putting it on his thumb and gave you a thumbs up. "Be happy!"

Seeing him smiled made the corners of you lips rise without knowing. He cheered in joy after seeing you smile. He got the other ring and put it on you thumb. "Come on, thumbs up!"

You looked away and slowly did a thumbs up showing off the ring he gave you. You look towards the ring to see what he had engraved in it.


You look towards him with eyes wide. But all he did was smile at you. "Always have hope."

Hearing his words you started to cry even more than you already did. He hugged you tightly and patted you back in comfort.

"I'll come back soon."

Unknowingly, a single tear rolled down your cheek. You lost connection with him after that. And you've been lonely ever since.

Because he was your first love.

You stared down at the same ring on your index finger. It used to fit your thumb, but because that was years ago it couldn't fit there anymore.


He was the only special person in your heart. And you will never forget that. Sighing, you stood up leaving the stone brick on the ground.

Walking towards you house, your eyebrows crashed in confusion when you saw a truck and a few people carrying boxes over at the house beside yours.

Walking towards one of the men, to see him busy carrying the boxes. You lightly tapped his shoulder trying not to be rude.

"Umm...what's going on?" Was the first thing you thought of. You finally got a good look of the man who had broad shoulders, black hair, and a handsome face, not gonna lie.

"Oh miss, were helping our friend move into this house you see.." He said. You looked towards the house thinking you would get a new neighbor.

The man awkwardly stood there while holding the box. "I'll...get going now.." He spoke before leaving.

Well it kinda made sense. Your old neighbor moved to another neighborhood leaving this house behind so obviously someone would move here.

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