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I was locked in my cell 'bout to lose it
They be watching me clocking my movements
They be plotting on catching me snoozing
Bodies drop all the time I don't feel nothing
Swear to god y'all gone make me go kill something
-LilTjay Brothers

After high school there wasn't shit for me to do- I wasn't overly smart, didn't have any passions that were legal or let alone at all. I kind of just cruised my way through, I'm a Introvert due to me only really hanging out with the same two people— I was stuck in Chicago because I had no motivation to get out. In 6th grade my Dad dipped out on my mom than she married some wack ass nigga named Frankie when I was in 9th grade; A year later he cheated on her and my mom took him back-that was her first mistake, I told her if he came back home I'm leaving- and I sure enough did. I moved in with my Ace;Donnie but that lead to me selling for a bit until I got my own apartment- my mom was pissed I moved out when I was 16 but she brings around annoying ass people and makes it seem like it's all my fault.

Don't get me wrong I love my mom- just from afar, I think it's because I look like my daddy, but what can I say? Not everyone in ya life showing you real love all the time. Selling wasn't all that bad did that for three years - been arrested a few times but I'm a free man. doing that year  was the longest time of my life- guess who didn't come to see me? my mom! Her husband said I needed to learn to be there by myself- but I'm out now and my moms pissed that she wasn't the first to know. Calling me cursing and shit- I hung the fuck up, that was last week and it seems like I will probably start selling again because a nigga got expensive taste. I was waiting for my ugly cousin to get out of school- he was seeing me anytime he could him and my uncle, My uncle Kareem pretty much raised me- he never liked my dad and my mom is his baby sister, he says He doesn't want another man in our family to be wasted in these streets- when I got arrested and called Mac he was in the back pissed off.

In  Four more months my dog Donnie get out- his girl gonna put him out most likely, I came home and she was cheating on my son, I was going to do something but he told me wait until he gets out- Now his girl got a baby on the way not like Donnie don't already got 2 kids with another female, but this kid for sure ain't his- she ain't fooling me he's been locked up for 9 consecutive months. I heard the bell to the highschool ring and soon kids flooded out. I ain't tell him I was coming but I know uncle Keem ain't buy him a car not until he sees a diploma.

See, I tried to buy my little cousin a car- he's blood; blood looks out for blood. But he said "I don't want any of your drug money- I'm light skin they will like me in jail" and after that I stopped listening because who thinks about getting duked in the butt in jail- He better do what I did and fight them niggas off. I bought myself a 2018 Audi A3 as soon as I got out last week and than I went home and took a nice nap in my own bed- I didn't really tell anyone I was out really, nobody would probably care - that sounds bad but besides Mac really everyone else showing fake love.

I blew out smoke as I finished lighting the blunt- this boy needs to hurry up before they try to put me right back in the box. Getting annoyed I took a few more hits ashed it out and got out the car looking around for this fat head light skin with braids.Soon I seen him walking out cheesing and smiling with some nigga- he got friends now? He's always been on the weird shit, he's my cousin and I'll fight anyone for him- but he's still weird, people just can't call him that.  I locked the car as I pushed my body off the side and walked towards him.

   " yoo- uh Nas? My bad to bother you but when did you get out?" I heard someone call I turn my head and saw one of Donnie's dealers.

  "last week, fuck you want Eli?" I asked rubbing my face. This boy was maybe an 11th grader now? He's annoying as shit and I had to beat him up once or twice because I don't like disrespect- and Donnie be telling them "you can find out how to respect people on ya own- keep getting beat up it's not me" and they think he's joking- but now I got trigger fingers even more than before.

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