Cana spun the bottle gently, smirking as it landed on Jet. "Truth or dare, Jet?" Either choice was guaranteed to be insane with Cana choosing, so he held up two fingers and accepted his fate. "Sneak into Makarov's office and bring something back out with you."

The speed mage smiled softly. This was something he could do. He raced to the top of the stairs, heart pounding in anticipation as he reached for the doorknob. In seconds he was falling back down the stairs, and an irritated Makarov was standing in his place. "I don't care if you brats play games, but leave my stuff out of it!"

Several people burst into laughter at Jet's misfortune, but it was to be expected.

He didn't bother to look at who it landed on as he spoke. "Never have I ever let someone else take the blame for something I did." Not one person picked up their shot glass, and Jet smiled. "We're all destructive as hell but honest to a fault, aren't we?" He earned a few hearty laughs from the statement, and he sat back down.

The bottle had landed on Mirajane, who spun it again. "Levy, Truth or dare?"

The small girl looked up from her book. "Dare. I'm feeling adventurous."

Mira hummed in thought as she twisted a piece or her white hair. "Mount one of the dragon slayer's for at least the next ten turns." In that moment, the guild was reminded of Mira's dark side.

Levy turned to her left and shot a glance at Gajeel, who only shrugged in return. She grabbed her book and spun the bottle as she sat in her new seat: Gajeel's lap. "Never have I ever had to jump out a window to avoid being caught with a sexual partner."

Without warning, there was a shout from the other end of the table, "I trusted you, you jackass," Freed hissed vehemently as he grabbed his shot glass. Not a single person spoke as the rune mage downed the shot; they were all too busy gaping. "You're not getting the story."

Everyone had been too fixated on the prudish greenette to notice that Cana, Lisanna, and Juvia had all taken shots as well, or that Levy had slipped off of Gajeel's lap. Gay best friends were fun to cuddle with, but not when you wanted a girl to realize you were gay and single.

The bottle had landed on Laxus, who spun it again. "I am so sorry for this," he muttered, "never have I ever thrown up on, or almost thrown up on a dick while giving a blow job."

Freed took another shot, and the look in his eyes promised murder. "Betrayed by my best friend and my boyfriend." He got up to leave, but a few steps away he seemed to change his mind. "You know what, no." He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled the collar to the side, revealing massive, reddish purple teeth marks. "Dragon slayers are possessive as hell, and they feel the need to bite through your skin." He threw a pointed look at Laxus, who was steadily turning red. "There's a reason I don't wear tank tops anymore."

Laxus grabbed his wrist and pulled him back into his seat. "If I have to sit here, then so do you."

"Well," Cana shouted, "that was more information than I needed." Everyone seemed to snap out of their stupor with the comment.

The bottle landed on Gray, who's spin landed on Cana, "Dare." The ice mage jumped to his feet and ran to the other end of the table just to whisper something in her ear. She burst out laughing as Gray headed back to his seat. "Hey Elfman, You're not manly enough to do shit, and I can make your sister moan like a whore."

Elfman choked on his own spit as he watched Mira smack the card mage's arm. "Cana!"

"A dare is a dare, my lovely," she told the white haired bartender, "and the second part's true."

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