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~ Becca's P.O.V

Having just finished my shift at the Green Dragon, I am more than ready for some food and a long, much needed sleep. However, upon entering Bag-End, the first thing I saw was the array of cloaks in different colours and weapons scattered around the floor in the front entrance.

Instantly, my curiosity, as well as suspicion, was piqued. I shut the door behind me and hung my cloak up on the hook, shaking my head at the mess around me. Whoever out guests are, I have a feeling Bilbo has already given them an earful for making a mess. And I think that train of thought came too soon; as I walked through the hallways, the sound of chatter reached my ears and I spotted several its of food staining the floor. As well as the fact our once close to overflowing pantry was now almost empty.

I went to call out my brother's name, but was silenced by a lot of shouting, and one particular shout louder than the rest was ina language I did not recognise. I whirled around to face to dining room, which had at least thirteen people I did not know sitting around the table. Actually, the only one I did recognise was Gandalf. Bilbo was standing in the doorway, and it didn't seem like any of them had noticed my presence yet. One of the men, who I noticed was a few inches taller than Bilbo, stood at the head of the table, his back o me as he spoke in a deep voice.

"If we have read these signs, do you not think that others will have read them too?" he said to those before him. "Rumours have begun to spread. The dragon Smaug has not been seen for 60 years. Eyes look East to the mountain, assessing, wondering, weighing the risk. Perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit back while others claim what is rightfully ours? Or do we seize this chance to take back Erebor?"

The men all cheered, apparently encouraged by this man's speech, so I figured he was their leader; he has that sort of look about him that the others don't. It was then I realised these men were in fact Dwarves, hence the thick beards and their short height. The names Smaug and Erebor stirred something in my memory, but I can't for the life of me think where I've heard them before.

An elderly Dwarf with a bushy white beard then spoke up, "You forget, the Front Gate is sealed," he said and the leader sat down. "There is no way into the mountain."

"That, my dear Balin, is not entirely true." Everyone turned to Gandalf, including me, and all watched in wide eyed wonder as he twiddled his fingers and withdrew a key from his cloak.

"How came you by this?" the lead Dwarf whispered.

"It was given to me by your father, by THrain, for safekeeping," Gandalf replied. "It is yours now." He passed the key to the Dwarf, and I noticed the others watching closely, sp clearly this key means something to them. I wonder what they're here for... and why.

"If there is a key..." a blonde haired Dwarf sitting in the corner muttered, "... there must be a door."

Gandalf pointed to a map on the table with his pipe. "These runes speak of a hidden passage to the lower halls."

"THere's another way in," a dark haired Dwarf sitting next to the blonde one whispered excitedly. Isaw he had a very thick stubble on his jaw, but no actual beard, so I wondered if he was one of the younger Dwarves in the group.

"If we can find it," Gandalf pointed out, "but Dwarf doors are invisible when closed. The answer lies hidden somewhere in this map and I do not have the skill to find it. But there are others in Middle-Earth who can." He paused and looked up at Bilbo, and I was surprised he didn't' see me. If he did, he kept quiet. "The task I have in mind will require a great deal of stealth, and no small amount of courage." He glanced quickly at Bilbo again, and I froze when he looked at me this time. Had he known I was there the whole time, and just hadn't said anything? "But, if we are careful and clever, I believe it can be done."

His Little ShadowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora