Unpopular Opinion Time I Guess

728 27 24

So, uh, unpopular opinion, am I the only one who thinks there's no such thing as an asexual spectrum?

I mean, you either feel sexual attraction, or you don't. If you're 'in between' you still feel some degree sexual attraction and thereof you're sexual. Everyone feels varying degrees of sexual attraction, and just because someone feels sexual attraction very few times or specifically when they see blond surfers talking French or something doesn't make that person part of the asexual spectrum. It just means their libido most likely isn't as high as most people's. Or that they have very specific preferences. It just doesn't make sense for an asexual spectrum to exist?? You either are asexual or you're not??? In my opinion at least?????

I said sexual attraction way too many times for a 181 word long post. Anyway, I've just had this in my head for a while and wanted to vent it out a bit. Especially cause my views on a looot of LGBT stuff have changed recently tbh. Anyway, uh, take care, I hope this didn't offend anyone or something, don't watch too much porn, bye

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