"What happened Kyle? Will you tell me your story?"



"Kyle, you need to wake up son!"

I'm shaken awake by my father's frantic voice. Sitting up in bed I know something's wrong in the house when the strong smell of smoke fills my nostrils. I cough and cover my mouth, unlike my father who was a full blooded vampire I had only just gone through the transition from human to a vampire so I still had some human traits like having to breathe.

"What happened, dad?"

I'd never seen fear in my father's eyes, it took a lot to scare him. But tonight he looked scared while trying to put on a brave face.

"The hunters' son, they took us by surprise and set the house on fire. I need you to get out Kyle. I need to get your mother and baby brother out. Remember I love you, son, as does your mother."

"You need to get out as well father."

He pulls me out of bed and shakes his head, he hated people showing concern for him.

"I'm the leader of this coven Kyle, it's my duty to every vampire in this house to get them out alive. Just like a captain who goes down with his ship, I need to be the last vampire out. If anything happens to me son by default you'll become the new leader of this coven understood?"

I nod while trying to keep tears back. In my gut, I knew this would be the last time I ever saw my father again. He was the best leader this coven had ever had, I would never live up to his name.

"How can I rule without a mate by my side?"

Dad sighs, "your mate is called Rosie Brookes. Now get out Kyle!"

Rosie Brookes, I made a mental note to remember that name once I got out of the house.

"I love you father, I also love mother. I'll make you proud."

My body goes into survival mode as I rush past my father and into the burning hallway, my room was towards the back of the house so the flames had yet to reach us. My Mother and Fathers room was down the hallway engulfed in flames.

As I sprint towards the back staircase I bump into my best friend James who looked lost.

"James, is there anyone else left in this side of the house?"

He nods, "the hunters nailed shut all the doors and windows, we need to get out Kyle."

"Go, James. I'll make sure the rest get out alive."

James sprints away, leaving me to check the rooms for any lingering vampires. In total, I find thirteen vampires, including my other friends Jordan, Owen, and Lee. The hunters had done a good job at nailing every exit shut. I take control and order the stronger vampires to help me break through one of the windows.

We break through the window and all get outside. Moving away from the house all we can do is watch in horror as our safe haven goes up in flames. A couple other vampires come stumbling out of the house after us and I immediately go to their aid, because we are all family.

After those last two vampires escaped, no one else came out of the house alive. My mother, father and unborn baby brother Tom were gone. I was left with my life in pieces and had to run a coven, becoming as strong of a leader as my father was.


"Kyle you were brave that night. You got thirteen vampires out alive. In my eyes, you deserve to be the coven leader."

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