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I keep updating because I need to make up for the 62838 weeks I was dead

I keep updating because I need to make up for the 62838 weeks I was dead

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Big markhyuck vibes

When donghyuck awoke he still felt the warmth of mark next to them. His face was nuzzled into mark's chest but he was comfy so he didn't bother moving.
'I might just fall back asleep'
mark was playing woth1 donghyuck's hair, admiring how soft and fluffy it felt. Finally, donghyuck looked up at mark and they said their good mornings. The older smiled at donghyuck so gently seeing him im such a state, but the other didn't notice.

"Anyways I can't cook so we're going somewhere for breakfast."


In all honestly, hyuck wasn't expecting mark to take him to a 50s themed diner. He snorted when the waitress said,"oh you're back!"

"So..you're a regular here huh?"
"Oh hush"
"It's cute here. I like all the pastels."

They both enjoyed the freshly squeezed orange juice and od course, their meals.
(no coffee for the children😤)

"No it's Belgian waffles that are top tier."
"What? No its heat up waffles."
"Mark wtf."
"You're like 12 don't curse."
"We're the -"

They reached the dock and when they crossed over into the pastel color, the change in weather threw them both off.

Neither of them cared for the many stands and vendors but one thing did catch their attention. A bubble stand.
Expect these bubbles would come in shapes and you would cut the bottom and watch it float away.

Expect these bubbles would come in shapes and you would cut the bottom and watch it float away

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(This lol)

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(This lol)

The child inside them came out and they ran to the line. About 5 minutes later, they picked a shape. A star for mark and a heart for donghyuck. When they cut the bubble they watched in awe as the figure floated away. The fun ended short but donghyuck led mark to his port.

An overwhelming feeling took over mark. He had always wanted to see stars and go to the moon and now he could. As if it was a habit, donghyuck grabbed mark's hand and there they went.


Ok last update lol sorry for the spam😔

Every Two Years//MarkhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now