Hugh: Go for breach.

I shot the door and kicked it open. Hugh moved in with his shield and pistol ready and fired as he moved in.

"Target down."

I moved in next aiming up at the stairs and shooting a dealer on the stairs.

Me: Target down.

Hugh: Moving to the kitchen.

Me: Copy.

He walked into a dining room and kneeled down as bullets hit his shield.

Hugh: Two targets!

Me: Copy.

I backed up and moved up the stairs to get behind the two. I looked behind my back and shot a man trying to hide with a knife. I kicked a door down and a man with a machete swung at me, but I used my shotgun to block it. I hit him with my gun and held him down with my boot. I looked up and saw a dead woman in the corner beaten and a needle in her arm.

Me: Who's the woman?

Dealer: Just a whore.

I picked him up and threw him into the wall and picked up the machete.

Dealer: Hey lets calm down.

Me: Just a whore huh?

Dealer: Please wait!

I swung the blade into his head repeatedly until I got it stuck.

(End flashback)

Y/n looked up when he heard a breach charge. He looked down at his hands tightly gripping the gun and he began to breathe slowly.

Y/n: I got this.

He walked out of the room and stood still to hear what they were doing. He walked downstairs and saw a drone rolling along and he slowly walked to where it came from. He saw Fuze and Lion moving downstairs. He walked into the hallway but bullets flew past hitting the wall next to him. He fired back and ran in a different room to reload. He stopped as he looked at the wall turning bright then exploding. He ducked down as Lion fired into the room and ejected a shell to grab a flashbang round but stopped an look at his hand shaking and he held it tightly to his chest.

(Flashback, Ranger mission)

Y/n was running inside a parking garage holding his hip that was bleeding. He stopped when he found one of his teammates throwing a bag in a car.

Y/n: Hugh.

Hugh turned around slowly and looked at Y/n. Y/n grabbed his pistol and fired three rounds into him as he trying to grab his gun. Y/n walked over and sat next to Hugh and grabbed his radio.

Y/n: This is Bravo, Hugh is down and I'm hit. Target is heading west from the garage.

Radio: Copy that sending in a team to get you out.

He looked at Hugh's dead body.

Y/n: I told you not to.

(End Flashback)

He opened his eyes and loaded the round firing it through the hole as he ran out. He stopped at the wall and Lion moved past him checking the hole for him. Y/n grab him and began punching his mask cracking it. He used the barrel of his shotgun to hit Lion under his chin then fired a round into his stomach. 

He looked up as the sound of a cluster charge activated. The first grenade dropped and Y/n caught it and tossed it back up destroying the floor above him. Fuze was trying not to fall down, Y/n aimed his gun and shot Fuze down. Zofia fired her launcher and destroyed the wall next to him. He looked at the shell he dropped earlier. He ran to it firing the last two rounds and slid on his knees and grabbed the shell and loaded it.

Virtue Of The Vicious (reader x Rainbow 6 Seige)Where stories live. Discover now