I raised my eyebrows. Although I'd been faced with an angel, aka, Trisha Marano, not even her beauty could phase me from the fact that my niece just asked for another hour to get ready when they'd already had five. I folded my arms across my chest and chuckled. "An hour, seriously?" Isabella lifted her frying pan up and smirked at me. "You wouldn't..."

"Oh I would." She grinned, holding it above her head.

"Hey I purchased that for you when you were practically fresh out of the womb!" I argued, pointing my finger into her face. "Now listen, it's ten minutes or we aren't going."

Isabella gasped and turned her head in Trisha's direction. "Ten minutes!" She then turned back to me and held her hands on either side of her hips defensively. "Auntie Trisha hasn't even applied her eyeliner yet and I need to put some chapstick on!"

I rolled my eyes. "Neither of you even need to wear any makeup. You're both beautiful. Besides, who's going to see you in a dark movie theatre?"

Isabella rolled her eyes back at me. "Um, everyone!"

"Ten minutes." I warned, holding my finger up beside my head. "Or Bailey and I will go without you."

She pouted her lips and although I was dying to laugh I decided to go with my better judgement and not. "Fine." She murmured before closing her bedroom door behind her.

I finally let out my long awaited chuckle and headed down the staircase with a spring in my step. Just when I thought I was clear from both Ross and Laura, the quiet sound of my younger brother chuckling from behind me and clicking his tongue made me instantly turn around on my heel.

"Damn bro! You look like the next James Bond!" He exclaimed, a smile forming on his lips.

"Dude don't start -"

"Laur, come in here!" Ross called out, poking his head around the kitchen door. "Rocky looks like he's dressed to impress!"

I sighed and shook my head in embarrassment. Within seconds both Laura and Bailey appeared from the kitchen wearing huge smiles on their faces. "Rocky you look so handsome!" Laura exclaimed, holding her hands to her face in shock. "You're going to be the best looking Uncle at the movies tonight that's for sure!"

"Thanks Laur." I awkwardly said, smiling down at the ground. I hated being the centre of attention but hey, with an outfit like this I was practically begging for it. Bailey ran into my arms and I embraced him with a warm hug. I ruffled the top of his head and he beamed up at me. "Are you excited for the movie little man?"

Bailey shrugged. "I hate princess movies, you know that." Laura glared at him. "But," he added with a sigh of defeat. "Bella wants to see it and I guess the whole concept of the princess falling for a beast kind of interests me so... I'm excited."

I chuckled and nodded. "We can eat our weight in nachos and popcorn whilst the girls fangirl over the movie. How does that sound?"

Bailey smirked and gave me a high five. "Now that's a plan!"

Ross had his arm wrapped tightly around Laura's waist and the both of them stared at one another lovingly. I felt my heart beating wildly in my chest. I wanted to look at someone that way and be able to hold someone again. I missed it. I almost envied Ross and Laura, they both had the perfect life which was insane due to the way their family originally began.

Letters to IsabellaWhere stories live. Discover now