Type #24

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Lord I just got a hundred and fifty views over night!

How is this shït possible?!

Type #24: Update Campers

Those people who are usually first to read, comment, and vote a chapter.

Y'all know who you are.

I see you over there reading another book, fingers at the ready to click on an update.

Raising for first comment, vote, or read.

Like dam...

Y'all dedicated!

Props to you!


Katie ran away from the manor.

She hated when her brother visited.

And she was only six.

Her brother never liked her so why should she like him?

*record scratches*

CKJ664 has updated Types of WattPad Users

Shît! I need to go fast!


Like Dafuq?!

Do you need to do all that?

Types of WattPad UsersWhere stories live. Discover now