Chapter 19

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Boss lady


I looked up from my desk and saw that it was the same Temmy I had suspected. I wanted to smile but remembered that I had to be firm.

"Good day Dr. Temmy!" I greeted sternly. I watched his smiling face forming into a serious one.

"Good day ma" he replied quiet sternly like I sounded.

"Why weren't you at the meeting?"

"Am very sorry I had a lot on my mind lately and got carried away."

"A lot on your mind. Like what? if I may ask."

"It's personal ma."

"OK then." I walked over from my sit to my desk and sat at the front while he was still standing.

"Listen to me and listen good Dr Temmy. I understand that you were my dad's best surgeon and that you're very good at what you do. In fact, am fully aware that you took over from my dad in terms of the management of this hospital and that am expected to work hand in hand with you. Perhaps learn one or two things from you before you finally hand over to, but that's not a criteria for you to do as you wish. For goodness sake, you're not being paid here for your mind to be  preoccupied by personal issues. If this should respect itself, we may not be having a friendly conversation as this. I hope am clear enough?"

"Yes ma. I apologize for my unprofessional behaviour. I promise it will never repeat itself again." He said sweating

"It had better not. So when are we going to begin the handing over process?"

"Whenever you're ready ma."

"Okay how about tomorrow then?"


"Till then."

I watched as he walked out of my office.

I enjoyed this moment so much. In fact I like it when a woman is in charge and gives orders to men.

I was never like this when it came to matters concerning men. Kalin changed it all. I gave him my love and money. Though he told me the things he didn't like such as my smoking habit, inability to cook, clubbing and drinking. I thought his love for me could conquer all these but he left me all the same.

His family just couldn't accept a nuisance like me, but I did love him. For this reason I don't want to have anything to do with any man again. So I thought until few days ago when this stranger came to our house and I had to pretend as though he was my friend. 

Though it felt good pretending to be his friend too. He looks quiet and gentle and he's  soft spoken. I wish we were truly friends but I shouldn't imagine it too much because he deserves someone better than I. To crown it all he looks so innocent and peaceful.

He even apologized which I have never seen any man does ever since my dad passed on.

He is indeed a gentleman.

Am somehow grateful that he seems not to recognize me at all but I can't wait for tomorrow to come.

Temmy POV.

I entered my office sweating. Does it she didn't recognise me at all? I asked myself.

She's indeed a boss lady. I can't deny the fact that I don't like some of her habits such as smoking. I even saw a bottle of alcoholic wine on her table which was already half in the bottle which I know was quiet unhealthy.

I wanted to be her friend as I had a lot of questions to ask her concerning Efua. I also wanted to know why she smokes and drinks so much.

Despite her bad habits I still find myself liking her. I just can't wait for tomorrow to come so I could spend time with her.

The ringing of my phone cut me short of my thoughts. The caller was unknown so Ignored it at first. Afterwards I redialled the number and Efua picked.


"Temmy, how dear you send me a love letter? Couldn't you have told me what you wanted to tell me with that big mouth of yours?"

I laughed happily at her friendly tone. I was happy she had forgiven me at last and even called me.

"Easy girl, what letter are you talking about?"

"The one you gave to  Ese to give to me. The apology note!"

" l am really lost girl. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Please be serious Temmy."

"Am serious! I didn't send you any letter. I only came to your house to apologize for my misconduct! Only to meet with your tyrant husband who nearly killed me for coming close to his wife. I would have been a dead man if your sister in law hadn't saved me!"

"Really? How did she save you?"

"She didn't tell you?"

"Nop, she only told me you came around and that she got a letter from you."

"A letter from me? That's strange."

"Hey, don't dodge my question. How did she save you!"

I laughed as I related my experience that day to Efua.

"Wow! I think she you both like each other, if you ask me."

"That's the reason why am not going to ask you." I said laughing. Efua soon join me in my laughter.

"But are you serious about she liking me? Because  she seems not to have even recognise me at all!"

"Believe me she does like you just that she might appear tough now because her last break up really shook her, but trust me, she's a nice girl. You can go for her if you truly like her. "


"Yes! I cross my heart."

"Okay, I'll think about it. Though she appears really tough. "

Efua laughed before responding.
"She may be tough or even naughty but she has a good heart. If you like her, nurture it into love, and when you fall in love with her, let that love determine your future with her and not her naughtiness. Who knows you may even change her."

"How do you mean by naughtiness?"

"It's nothing I was just pulling your legs. Enough of my sister in law! How have you been?"

"I have been fine and lonely. I wasn't bold enough to come over to your house again lest your husband murder me! You know what?"


"I think you're very lucky to have such a loving husband. He loves  you, you know?"

"Not all that glitters is gold my dear friend and never you judge a book by it's cover."

I could sense sadness in her voice as she said these.

"Efua, are you alright? Do you want to talk about it?"

"Yes but not over the phone please"

"Can we hang out at my place?"

"Okay. Text me the address please"

"Sure. Thanks for this call. I have really missed you"

"Same here".

" one more thing, thanks for forgiving me."

"Don't thank me but Ese. How saved the matter at the detriment of her happiness and dignity as a woman."

"Yeah you're right. I shall thank her"

Okay bye don't forget the address.

With that she went offline.

The following day I waited and waited for my boss lady and she never showed up. Even the following day she still didn't come to work.  A week gradually rolled by and she still didn't show up at work. I became worried. I had asked Efua about her when she came over to my house and Efua informed me that Ese had moved out of their house as she had completed the one month stated by their dad In his will. I even collected Ese's number from Efua but she kept busying my call. I  just pray she was okay wherever she was.

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