Uh.. Guys?

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This is it guys! The last chapter- I'm just kidding. This book shall not end for a long while. But all jokes aside I have some news, my new book is up right now and I want to have a partner to do it with. So if you wanna help me with that one and possibly others let me know. Enjoy!

Keith P.O.V.
The raven haired boy was currently on the couch, he and the others had been back on Earth for a while now. And the baby would be due any day now, at least that's what Dr. Sara said. And since nothing too bad was happening at the moment there wasn't to much to worry about, except for the fact that Keith was being put on bed rest till the baby was born.

And what was about to happen didn't help any one in the slightest..

A few day Later..

3rd Person P.O.V.
The Garrison was quiet and bright, Keith was currently in one of the Medical rooms with the others in the room with him. Since he had started having practice contractions he was moved to the Medical Center of Garrison. It wasn't a normal contraction. Just his body practicing for the real deal. And to be honest, he was a bit scared.

'What if he wasn't a good father?'

'What if something happens?'

'What if the baby doesn't make it..?'

So many ideas came to his head, he wasn't even that worried about his own health, just the babies.

"Okay! How's my favorite patient doing?" Asked Dr. Sara as she walked into the room, thank God Allura and Coran were able to contact her so she could come here to help him.

"Pretty well, nothing to bad I guess." Keith said as he was eating some chipped ice in a small cup. The doctors weren't allowing him to have any foods since the baby would most likely be born by the end of the week.

"That's great, now I'm just here to check on your charts and then I'll be out of your hair." She said smiling and checking out the different charts and screens.

After the sweet alien girl left Keith and the others were having a conversation, not about anything specific. Just enjoying the company really. At least till someone decided to make themselves known.

"Lance would you stop talking!" Allura said annoyed about how Lance was going on and on about getting to babysit first.

"Yeah! Obviously I'm gonna baby sit first." Shiro said chuckling and looking at Keith.

"Uh.. Guys?" Keith said looking at the sheets underneath him.

"Shiro that's not fair! I can babysit just as well too!" Lance said pouting a bit.

"Lance you couldn't babysit a rock." Pidge said laughing.

"Guys." Keith said again trying to get their attention a second time.

"Not true! Just ask my Sister and Brother! I'm a great baby sitter!"

That's when the others all decided to get into a small argument.

"GUYS!!!" Keith snapped as he looked at the others.

"What?" They all said looking over at Keith as their eyes widened.

"My water just broke." He said holding his stomach and looking at the others.

It took the Paladins a few seconds to register what was happening exactly. But what they did, they didn't take it all that well. They were all panicking trying to figure out what to do. However Krolia, Keith, and Shiro were quite calm, they knew what was going on and stressing out would only worsen the matter.

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