Kanato's New Teddy

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It was another normal day in the Sakamaki house and it was the first time you joined them for dinner. But you could tell something was off while everybody ate at the dinner table. And then it hit you once you looked at Kanato.
"Kanato...where's Teddy?" You asked almost in a whisper to not make a fuss.
Kanato looked at you and smiled softly. "I don't need it anymore." That's when you heard everybody drop their forks and spoons. Oops.
Laito looked at Kanato and said "Did you finally become a man?" Kanato gave him a dissatisfied glare and continued to eat.
"I bet Yours Truly finally rubbed off on him." Ayato proclaimed while taking a bite off of his steak proudly.
"I hope not..." You whispered to yourself quietly but everybody heard you and busted out laughing. Even Reiji and Shuu chuckled to themselves. This made Ayato angry. "How dare you mock Yours Truly!"
Subaru started to get irritated and before Ayato could continue rambling he picked up his fork and shoved a big piece of steak into Ayato's mouth.
You laughed out loud and almost fell over your chair when you saw this. Ayato felt stupid and Subaru was blushing at how hard you were laughing.
Everybody watched as you slammed your hand on the table laughing so hard reimagining what Subaru did to Ayato.
Ayato was enraged and his cheeks were red. "Enough it's not that funny!"
You stopped in your tracks and looked around the table. You finally noticed that all the eyes were on you and your face turned red.
Laito broke the ice first "You sure do know how to have a good time."
Then Reiji joined in "Just this once I won't scold you." You sighed in relief and Shuu got up from his chair "This dinner...it wasn't so bad." After he said this he left to go sleep in the living room. Reiji got up as well "Please excuse me." Then Laito got up, gave you a wink, and headed to his room.
Ayato cleared his plate and looked at you with a devilish smile "I'll get you later for what you did." He left the dinning room with a big smile. Subaru looked like he wanted to say something to you but he was too embarrassed to speak up so you spoke. "How was dinner Subaru?" He snapped out of it and gave a faint smile. " It was good..." You smiled happily and said "I'm glad you liked it. I made it with lots of love!" Subaru looked at you and his face was redder than a tomato. He got up abruptly bowed and teleported to somewhere in the garden to cool off. Then it was just you and Kanato.
"Can we go to your room?" Kanato said looking anxious. You smiled brightly "Sure let's go!" You got up and started walking to your room while Kanato followed behind you.
You opened the door to your room, walked in and sat on the edge of your bed. Kanato came in too and closed the door. Before you could react Kanato was on top of you. He looked a little sad but he was thinking hard. His expression tugged at your heartstrings. "Kanato...What's wrong?" He got off of you and sat down next to you. "Is it true that you don't like me holding Teddy all the time?" You were a bit shocked at his words. "What do you mean?" Kanato glanced at you from the corner of his eye and then looked away. "Laito says that your the type of girl who wants a man not a guy who walks around with stuffed animals. He said that I'm too childish and you won't like me if I keep Teddy..."
You held Kanato from behind and rested your head on his shoulder. "No that's not true...I love you just the way you are. Plus I think you look really cute with Teddy. I think Laito was just messing with you. I don't think any of those things at all."
Kanato's face brightened and he kissed you softly "You mean it?" You nodded and Kanato smiled. "Maybe I really don't need Teddy anymore." You were a bit confused. "Why is that?"
Kanato pushed you onto the bed and kissed you with more force. "Because Teddy doesn't make me feel the way you do when I hold you." This made you blush and Kanato was very amused. "From now on your my new Teddy. That means you belong in my arms and no one else's."
You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him into another kiss.
All night long you were receiving endless kisses and sweet love bites from Kanato until you finally fell asleep. He watched you sleeping soundly and held you in his arms. "Tonight was a treat for being so good to me." He squeezed you even tighter while you were having sweet dreams of being wrapped in his arms...

Author's Note

Hi guys! Thanks for choosing to read my fan fiction. Let me know what you think and I will try my best to have the Sakamaki brothers stay in character because come on who actually fell in love with Diabolik Lovers for the plot xD!

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