Past time

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~~~your pov~~~

"Nice too see you guys training for the game next week." Shiro said slipping into the control room.

"Training?" Lance asked raising an eyebrow. "No way. I'm catching up on the homework and revision we need to do."

"I'm doing some reconfiguration of a training simulator so our energy efficiency is increased by 15%." Pidge said gazing at everyone.

We all looked at her confused like she had spoken a different language, which was kinda true she was speaking computer language and Hunk didn't make it any easier.

"Yeah and if we put a cap harness on the power outlet then we can keep our power cells running for what? An extra 45 minutes without using any extra data or energy."

"We can also reconfigure the rift exiting position monitor then we can travel by teledove 12% faster then before." Coran added moving to look at Pidge's screen.

I shook my head and flicked through my contacts I needed to talk to Keith but I knew he would be too busy but it's the thought that matters right?


Hey how's it going? I know you have been busy lately, but I was wondering if we could meet up at some point.

Text me when you can. :)


I sighed an dropped my phone into my jacket pocket. I scrolled down the page on my computer and started a game, hoping to get a bit of practice in.

I ran through some levels going over some of the new moves I had learned so that I was ready for Monday.

After 10 minutes I got bored and turned it off. I pulled up designs and ideas that me and Lance had roped together for the posters in the hall. It was looking quite good now.

I checked the posters by going over them all correcting my poor spelling and I printed one out.

Now was the fun job, time to find Allura and show her. The trouble was trying to find her during the day was hard enough but when the school day was done, there was little to no chance of finding her.

I was wandering towards her office when someone grabbed my waist and covered my eyes with their hand.

"Guess who?"

"Hmm I'm going to guess... Keith." I smiled as he uncovered my eyes.

"Good guess." He smiled back.

"What are you doing here? I thought you would be training." I said honestly.

"Well I got your text and I was on my break so I was going to come and find you in the control room, but I ran into you here." He responded shrugging his shoulders slightly.

"What are you doing?" He asked taking the poster off of me.

"Trying to find Allura. These are going up on the wall of the hall when we set up for the coalition." I shrugged lacing our hands together as we walked.

"Cool." Keith smiled handing the piece of paper back to me. "Oh I have news."

"About?" I asked smiling up at him.

"I found a car I might be able to afford." He smiled as his eyes lit up with excitement.

"That's amazing." I said pulling him into an awkward side hug.

~~~Keith's pov~~~

I squeezed her hand as we continued our search of the school for our missing head teacher. She beamed up at me but it soon turned into a frown as she looked away.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked stopping in my tracks tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"When are we going to tell the others?"

"I don't know. Do you want to tell them?" I asked starting to walk again.

"Well... I just hate keeping secrets from them... Don't get me wrong I love hanging out just you and me. But maybe we should tell them why we keep disappearing." She shrugged swinging our arms slightly.

"Well then, we'll tell them after the game on Monday." I smiled as her smile, that I loved so much, reappeared on her face.

"Ok." She laughed speeding up pulling me along behind her.

~~~Allura's pov~~~

I finally finished marking the books and decided to check on the paladins, they had been working so hard and they only had a short while left till our next encounter with Zarkons and I hoped they were using their free time effectively.

I walked in to find the room almost silent, at first I assumed it was empty.

"Yes!" Pidge yelled scaring the life out of me.

"Pidge!" I said with my eyes wide and my heart beating madly. "You gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry Allura, we were finishing some adjustments and making sure they work." She beamed high fiving Hunk.

"What's this?" I asked looking over to see a piece of paper sat in the printer.

"Oh that's something (y/n) was working on." Lance said sitting up in his seat and clicking his back. "She went looking for you actually."

"Oh well...""Keith come on!"

We all looked at he door where (y/n) appeared sticking her tongue out at presumably Keith and then turning to face us.

"Allura I was looking for you." She smiled as Keith appeared behind her.

He had a smirk on his face as he mumbled something under his breath.

(Y/n) seemed to hear it and acted shocked before pretending that he wasn't there and came to show me something while Hunk started to talk to Keith.

I was only partially listening to (y/n), and Pidge when I saw Keith quickly glance at (y/n) and then back at Hunk. At first I thought it was a just because they were talking about games but he did it several times afterwards.

I saw Pidge smiled and put a finger to her lips telling me to stay quiet. I agreed whole heartedly, hoping that she would tell me everything.

I already knew that these two were perfect for eachother so all I needed to do was help Pidge, and no doubt her brother, get them together officially.

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