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I watch the rain fall heavily, my arms crossed as Stiles and I stand outside the school entrance; waiting for everyone else to arrive. I watch people entering the builidng for shelter. I bit on my lower lip an I turn to Stiles.

"I don't want to do this unless I'm actually a senior," I admit to Stiles softly.

"Yeah," Stiles replied, I was standing behind him, something seemed off with Stiles. I stepped forward, watching him. He turned around, jumping slightly.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked softly. "You look... nervous?"

"Yeah, it's called anxiety," Stiles mutters. "You should be familiar with that by now, you're smart enough to know when I have anxiety since it's pretty much a constant state for me."

"Why is this thing so important to you?" I asked. The rain gets louder and louder.

"It's not," Stiles said a little too quickly, and I tilt my head to one side, crossing my arms. "It's not... uh, I don't know, maybe it is." He scratched his neck. "I asked my dad the other day about his high school friends. Guess how many he still talks to? None. Not a single one. You know, these were his best friends and he just says he lost touch with them, you know, so I started thinking like I always do,"

"Obsessively," I murmur, and he nodded.

"Yeah, and so I was thinking, what if..." He trailed off, and we connect eyes. "What if you guys are my best friend's now, you know, but you guys aren't my best friends for life?"

"Doesn't that happen sometimes?" I asked softly. Even though, I know 100% I will never be losing Stiles. Not again.

"Yeah, but only because we let it happen." Stiles sighed. "You know, that's what I'm saying. How come when we graduate we're just expected to go our separate ways? If I've already found the best people in my life, why am I not trying to stay with them, you know?"

"Well, I thought that was the plan. The dream." I nodded, understanding where he was getting from.

"The vision." Stiles corrected. "Don't mock the vision."

"I... I like the vision," I told him, stepping forward. "Especially if I'm part of it." I then pout a little, my eyes softening, realizing why now. "So that's why you wanted everyone here tonight. Because you don't want to lose all your friends after senior year,"

"And I hope they don't lose me, either," Stiles murmurs.

"If someone tries splitting us up, they're going to have to try very hard." I smiled. "I'm not going to lose you, okay? Nor are you going to lose me. Because I love you, and because you love me and if two people love each other, and they can see each other in their futures, then... then we're not gonna lose each other,"

Stiles smiled down at me. He then connected our lips, making my heart melt at his touch. I place my hand on him the back of his neck, and he pulls me in, our bodies colliding together. I softly moan, I missed this.

We then pulled back and we embraced each other as if we've reunited or something. I felt a small kiss on my neck, making me smile. That's when someone stepped in front of us, and my eyes trailed to Malia who had pushed someone down in front of us.

My eyes widen and I let go of the embrace but laced Stiles' and I hands and saw that Liam was indeed on the ground.

"Oh, my god." Stiles exclaimed, jumping back, meaning I got pulled back with him.

"Scott's in touble,"

I felt my heart drop when I sprinted down the steps to enter the lacrosse field. I had Liam, Stiles, and Malia follow me. My mouth hangs open, and I let the rain drench me as I saw some creature, his clawed literally pushed into Scott's stomach.

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