Chapter 14

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I wake up and jump out of bed, waking Tobias. "Tobias! We get to bring her home today!" I take his hand and pull him towards me. "Our baby girl. We get to bring her home." He beams and kisses my nose. We've had the nursery finished for a few months. It's a pastel yellow and black, and I can't wait to complete it with Maeve.

Tobias takes my hand, and we head down to the infirmary.

"Mr. and Mrs. Eaton! The big day!" The doctor shakes Tobias' hand, then mine. He turns down the hallway and we follow him hand in hand. I look over at Tobias, and he's grinning ear to ear. I smile and squeeze his hand. He's going to be a great father.

"Here she is!" The nurse hands me Maeve, wriggling and wrapped in a pink blanket. She's so small, but it makes sense because I'm small, too. She has my nose, and Tobias' gorgeous eyes.

Tobias gathers the few things that we need at home, and we head out.


"What the hell are we going to do." Tobias looks at me. The baby's sleeping now, but what happens when she wakes up? We don't know what to do with a baby.

I put my head in my hands. I hear Tobias walk over to the bench I'm sitting on in the nursery. He sits down and puts his arm around me.

"Hey. Look at me." I lift my eyes to his. "We're okay. All new parents go through this." He lifts my chin and kisses me.

And then Maeve bursts into tears.


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