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marcus and i immediately stopped flirting when we saw martinus standing there. oh gad.

"oh hey, martinus!" i say and i wave to him like nothing just happened literally 2 seconds ago.

"really? are you just gonna pretend like nothing now? i just saw you flirting with my brother! and yesterday, when marcus came back, i spotted his big smile! i knew something was up with you two! but really? lola, you knew i liked you! you knew i fucking loved you!! how could you? and you could at least have told me!" damn. he didn't even say hi.

but yea, that's not the important thing here.

shit. i messed up. why did i fucking kiss marcus at the beginning? none of this would happen if i didn't kiss him!! you're a fucking bitch, lola.

"i.. i.. i don't know what to say, martinus. but i know one thing. i'm sorry. i really shouldn't have kissed marcus, none of this would happen if i didn't! fuck, i messed up everything!!" i felt so bad for him that i had to run out of the place. i ended up crying on a bench near the hotel.


how could i? martinus didn't deserve that! and i just feel SO fuckings bad for him!

so, i said that i can be with marcus because i love him! and it's the right thing to be with the person you love the most. but. when the person is the twin brother to a boy who has a big crush on you, you really have to let go. am i right??

yea. i'm for sure right! and i have to end my realitonship with marcus now! oh gaad. poooor marcus! why do I have to hurt everyone?

just as i was thinking about it, i got a message from marcus.

"hey. are you okey? xx"
oh marcus. that is the worst thing you could say in a situation like this.

"not really"
"uh can we talk??"
i bite my lip as i wrote it. ughh I just feel so terrible! i feel like a fuckings player or something!!

"yea. where are you?"

"at a bench near the hotel. you'll find me"

"oki, coming!"

just some few seconds later he was standing right in front of me with his gucci jacket and gucci shoes. i have always envied him because of all of his gucci stuff.

"hey. martinus just ran off after you ran. I think he felt bad for saying that. it was a bit overdramatizing, right?" i didn't know what to say. i honestly think that martinus was right, but i just ended up saying "i don't know, marcus" my voice was small and you could hear how upset i was. it wasn't on purpose. I really didn't want it to sound like that, because marcus heard it immediately.

his face turned into a worried face. but still, his face was beautiful. yezz! it makes it even harder to break up with him!

"lola, what's wrong? wait. uhm. you're not breaking up with me, right?! martinus' words doesn't mean anything compared to our realitonship! really! don't do this to me.." gad. why does he make it even worse than it is to break up with him? gad. i can't believe i'm doing this to him..

"i'm sorry, marcus. i have to! i can't live with this pain?! he is your brother! twin-brother! when i look at you, all i can see is a broken martinus! i am so so sorry for this" those words hit him so hard. but his face was already broken. he knew it was coming. oh poor boy. i'm such a mean girl!

"no.. NO! what?! lola! you can't just dump me because of that stupid speech martinus had! damn it is martinus fault!! ughhhh! lola! we belong together! it's you and me! you know we are meant to be?! omg i can't believe this is happening.." marcus was filled with all emotions. his eyes was tearing up while he almost shouted. i could tell he was in a little panic.

"i'm sorry, marcus! there is nothing left to do. and don't blame martinus, please! he just made  me realize something. but don't you dare blame him! he is your brother. he should be comforting you, like you would do to him, right? and.. i really can't believe this is happening, too" i tried to hold in my tears, but one tear escaped. i quickly stroke it away, but i knew marcus saw it.

"so this is it? the end?" he says. i try to smile friendly, but it turned out into a wry smile. "probably. the end" I saw some more tears running down his cheeks and all of a sudden he was gone.

fuck. how did all this happen? he was just a badass, i was just me, and then it all ended up like this? gad life is confusing.

830 words (yeeeez)

wow that took me a while writing!! and I actually had some few tears when i wrote this😢😢 ahahah! hope you liked it tho💘 this took me a looooong while to write and the clock is 01:02 pm and i have school👍🏽🤠 sooo.. please vote&comment thanks!💘💘 (btw, it would be nice if you wrote what you think about this story😉💓)

and, if there is some weird sentences or something just let me know ;) bc i'm sooo damn tired, but i really want to publish this for you as soon as possible!

aaaaaaand! i'm sure some of you must be thinking "will you make a sequel?" and I'm sorry, but the answer is: No. sorryy! I just feel it would be so weird with a sequel to this story.. i don't know why lol! buuut! i might have another m&m story? :O

yea, i have another m&m story of course!! xD i will publish it asap!! ;)

Byeee for now hihi💕💘💖💗💓💞


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2018 ⏰

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