It has been months, like 7 months ever since (Yn) became friends with Star and Marco, Right now they are at the house, playing video games.
Star: Guys, watch out, They're everywhere!
(Yn): We know, We know! Marco, there are a bunch of zombies trying to kill you, use your nuke!
Marco: No way man! Can't use it, we need it for the boss!
(Yn): Damn your right!
Marco: Okay, we killed all the zombies, you ready for the boss?
(Yn): Oh I'm ready!
Marco: Let's do it!
In the game, there was a bug zombie with a big hammer.
Marco: Kill it!
(Yn): Oh crap he's gonna kill me!
Marco: Watch out with his hammer!
(Yn): Damn it! He is spitting lava all over me, can't see!
Marco: Aim for the head!
(Yn): Got it.
Marco: He's almost dead, Now is the time for nuke!
(Yn): Nuke that son of a bitch!
Marco nukes the zombie in the game. The game says victory.
Marco: Yes!
(Yn): Yea, we killed him!
Star: Way the go guys!
(Yn): Man, this is really fun, can't believe you guys show me that video games cause be really fun.
Marco: Yea, they are pretty fun.
Marco gets an incoming call from jackie.
Marco: Its Jackie! Excuse me guys, I gotta take this.
Star: Okay.
(Yn): OK... Star, Who's jackie?
Star: Oh, Jackie is our friends, I think you know here.
(Yn): Really???
Star: Yea, ever since you saved us from Ludo and his monsters.
(Yn): .... Oooooooooh, the chick with the length platinum blonde hair and those green tint eyes?
Star: Yea!
(Yn): That's Jackie!? ... Wow, and Marco is talking to her.
Star: Yea, they have been best friends ever since kindergarten.
(Yn): Wow ... Soooo, are they like or something?
Star: Well Not quite, Marco was struggling to tell her that he has a crush on her, and he is too nervous to do it.
(Yn): aw man, that has to suck.
Star: Yea.
(Yn): Hmmmmmmm, what if I help him out, to convince jackie that he has a crush on her.
Star: Would you help him?
(Yn): Of course, I mean he is my best friend after all. It won't be that hard.
Star: Hehe, Trust me, Me and our friends try to convince him to tell jackie, and Marco couldn't get the job done.
(Yn): Hehe, you'll see later on.
Star: Alright then.
(Yn): Okay...
Once (Yn) went to talk to Marco, Star's face turned into sad and started talking to her mind.
Star's mind: Oh (Yn), You are so nice and kind with us and to our friends these past months, and you are also really a cute one, I wish I can tell you that I ... Have a crush on you.
End of chapter

A Star Falls in Love (Star x MaleReader) Completed!
FanfictionOK, guys sorry that if I have to do this again, that one story I wrote 2 days ago was wack for me, but I'm sure, I mean 100% that this story will be the best, but it is still a Star x Male Reader story. So let's Begin! The story will be about a magi...