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10:43, 17/05/2003

Dear Diary,

A new girl came to school today. Her name is Kristal Willows. The kids in my class didn't like her very much.

Though really, they only dislike her because the so-called 'popular' kids deemed her as an oddball. And everyone's too spineless to stand up to the Populars.

Kristal, or Kris as she's asked me to call her, is actually really pretty. I imagine that the Populars are more jealous of her looks than anything. In a class of blonde-haired and blue-eyed children with sunny tans, Kris has dewy, pale skin and a head of cascading dark red curls. Her eyes are the colour of freshly-cut grass sparkling in the sunlight.

No one with beauty like hers has ever been to our school before. I imagine that's what they're envious of.

Kris and I are friends now. She's a really nice girl, and funny too. But she's gone now. She ran off somewhere at the start of recess. I'm hiding alone in the bathroom writing this, hoping that none of the vicious Populars will notice the scratching of my pencil on the paper.

Recess is like torture for me. I hate recess. Recess is the only half an hour where I can't rely on the reluctant protection from teachers. The kids are free to roam at this time.

A few more minutes to go. I wonder where Kris is.



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