You're Going To Hate Me - AN

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Hi. So I have some explaining to do. It's been a long time since I've updated. And my updates have come worse, shorter and longer to come out. 

Because I lost the passion to write it.

The reason it sucks so much was because I never really sat down and thought about what I wanted to happen. I tried to fit in every idea I had and because of that, it sucked and I hated what it became. It's why I never updated. I didn't want to work on a book that I hated.

So, I've decided that I am going to rewrite the entire book. 

Yep. The entire book.

I hope that I can be forgiven. But I am incredibly excited to start this book from scratch and actually have a plan for it. And trust me I do.

There will be things I reuse from what I've already published and written, so if it seems familiar that's why, but... yeah. 

I hope you enjoy the new book. 

And sorry again for making you wait.

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