"Angelina!, Bryan!" I tell
I call there names over again until they come

"what?" Bryan ask

"what's wrong with Johnnie?" Angelina ask

"I don't know. We just stood up and he is like this now" I say "just please help me carry him" I say

Bryan comes to me and helps me hold Johnnie up, Bryan brings Johnnie up to my room and lays him down then Bryan goes back to bed "why we're you two up so late?" Angelina ask me

"we couldn't sleep" I sigh "I'm super worried for Johnnie, whats even happening to him?" I ask

She shrugs "I-I'm fine" Johnnie lies

"after you get Liam to school, I'll drive you and Johnnie to the dockers office tomorrow" Angelina says

"thanks" I say
Angelina also goes back to bed. I pick the blanket off of the floor and go to lay down next to Johnnie and set the blanket over us "are you sure your okay?" I ask Johnnie

"I'm v-very hot" he mumbles

I pull the blanket off of him, I put my hand on his forehead "I think you might be sick" I say cause he is very warm. It's wired that Johnnie got sick that fast and when he stood up he got very weak and dizzy

"I don't w-want to be" he groans

"Johnnie it isn't a choice" I say

"I'm sorry I ruined our plans for tomorrow" he says

"don't worry it wasn't your fault" I sigh

"I do not want to get you sick" he goes a bit farther from me

"want me to go sleep somewhere else?" I ask

"I really don't want you to leave the bed, I'll go sleep down stairs" he says

I could've went to the other room but that room is just way to cold and we don't have lots of blankets "nope not letting that happen" I get up off of the bed

Johnnie sighs "k" he says

I kiss Johnnie's forehead "I love you. Goodnight" I tell Johnnie

"I- I love you" he says back

I walk down stairs. I don't want to sleep on the couch so I walk down the hall to Angelina and Bryan's room. I slowly open the door. Angelina is my best friend she'll let me have a sleep over with her "Angelina?" I lightly shake her

"yea?" she ask rubbing hers eyes

"sorry but can I sleep next to you? Johnnie is sick" I ask
She scoots close to Bryan and I get in the bed "thanks" I whisper

"no problem" she says

When I wake up is when Bryan is getting out of the bed "whoa why are you in the bed?" Bryan jumps when he sees me at first

"sleepover because Johnnie was sick and wanted me away" I say. I get up and I should probably go and check on him. I walk upstairs and go to our room. Johnnie is already up but he looks really pale "Johnnie you look pale" I say out loud
Johnnie coughs "do you need anything? I'll get it for you" I ask

"no, n-nothing" he mumbles

"you sure?" I ask again. I walk up to him and feel his forehead again, he is really hot

"I'm okay" he says

"okay" I say even though I don't believe him "I need to wake Liam up and get him outside to the bus stop" I say

His bus stop is right next to the mailbox "k. I want to help you" Johnnie says "just please help me up" he adds
I give him my hands and help him up. He kinds just stands there for a second "indigo just hit me" he says

Cømpletely Different (Book-2)Where stories live. Discover now