On the way to the airport

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The new 5 piece band  , who lived next to Roadtrip and HRVY,  were going on tour with Roadtrip and HRVY to LA.

They were split up into 3 cars going to Heathrow Airport. 1 st car : Blair , Abi , Andy , Elvis, Kate and Rye. 2nd car : Alex , Brooklyn, Mikey and Charlie  . 3rd car: Lily , Harvey, Jack and Amy.

In the first car, Blair put the music on and Harvey's new song Hasta Luega came on for the first time. So Blair being Blair he got his phone out and started filming it because very one was dancing in the back .What he didn't realise that there was a police outside on the road. The police pulled Blair over and gave him a ticket, for having his phone out while driving. While this was happening , the 3rd car realised and was going into were Blair was getting his ticket but the 2nd car  had also gone in. The next thing you know is CRASH! They had crashed straight into each other. The police saw and called the ambulance. Nobody was hurt but the cars were very badly damaged.The cars got towed to the nearest garage. So all of them had to cramp into 1 car.

When, they got to the airport with 5 minutes in till the plane had to take-off to go to LA. They got on the plane and got their 1st class seats.  Abi and Andy sat together, Alex and Brooklyn sat together , Lily and Harvey and then Rye and Kate. They all fell asleep (you don't wont to know what they were all doing before).
When they landed they went to go and get their bags. The girls for their bags straight away. Blair and Elvis got theirs next  Road trip didn't get their bags long afterward. But Harvey had to wait about half an hour for his bags. He finally got them and they all went to get some food because they just had a very long flight. They finished their food and headed to go and get a car. They got in the car and all fastened up the seat belts and blasted everyone's music out. When sound this they were getting so very weird looks but they didn't care one little bit.
The arrived to the hotel Blair heard his phone go off .....

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