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Hayat here...

And this time I'm kinda sad because I'm going to close down the awards officially (maybe they're planning to keep it on secretly).

Lol. I don't even know why did I put Tom and Jerry dance video.

Anyways.. The Finesse Awards are now hence officially CLOSED for any new entries.

In case if you still come across the awards, and maybe in even further case you get interested in it. I KINDLY ASK YOU TO DM ME IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE. IF THE JUDGING WOULD HAVE NOT GONE REALLY FAR, I'D SEE IF I CAN ACCEPT.

But the awards are OFFICIALLY CLOSED now.


The last two days were a rush. We did receive a lot of entries. More than I could possibly count on fingers.


Yeah this one as well.. READ

Each of you are now a part of this little Finesse world 💖😀.

This may seem useless but c'mon!

Ya'll know what Finesse means right?


I'm not gonna tell you go find in a dictionary lol 😛.


It's really sad to close down the awards even when there are slots empty for people in genres.

Thank you for everyone who submitted their stories and I know this chapter feels like a shitload to ya all.

But stay tuned! 😁💖

Okay this is the last thing!

I got a bit emotional I'd admit but yay come and read if you wanna see my story.

I want these awards to be a fun fare. Like a place where everyone could connect.

You want others to read your stories right?

Well of course they will if they find it.

You find a lot of stories in your recommendations from people who have thousands and millions of views. And here in this award book, you'll find each person struggling to find his own place in this big world and some eyes they want to be fell upon. It's not just you..

It's me as well.. 💖

I fact the reason to start these awards was that if I could get reads.

I started from a situation when I couldn't get anything..

I continued to write.. And write and write.

But eventually, nothing happened.
It was like I was a stone besides a road. Seemed to me that they found other stones more beautiful than me. Well it was.. Maybe I was lacking something in me..
I know that. I accept my flaws but at the same time I'd love to shape them.

People would stop in tracks and tell me that yes! My stone is beautiful as well..
What actually happened was that it was just.. Unnoticeable...

And a time came I almost gave up. I stopped writing.

Then after a month, wandering through the long line of apps in my phone, I came across my old buddy again.


I opened up, checked my notifications. Not that I got a lot of reads or something all of a sudden. But there was a comment.

"Ya know I still wait for you to update the next chapter of your story."

And that's what gave me hope.

Even if there's a single person reading me, why not do it for him/her. For us as well..

Why not encourage each other by reading their stories.. Telling them what could be corrected. Not in a rude way..

Giving up is easy. What is hard is not to give up.

We're here a part of this award. It comprises of all of us. It connects us all in some way. And I'd like to believe we all are a group of good people (anyone a satan here? I know it's just me ahaha 😛).

Having supporters is worth more important than having reads. Because it motivates us.

Let's help each other.. Motivate each other with the belief that yes! I can do this! You can do this! We can!

Pick up any story you'd like to read. Just give it a try to five chapters only. If you like it, read it.. If not. Switch to a new one. But try!

If you start, someone else will read yours.. So motivate each other. Encourage each other..

Be the cement in someone's wall.

(lol was that weird? 😛 Anyways feel the expression 😛)

So? Ready to settle up?

(((Did anyone read till here?
I'm afraid I wrote it all to let it go in vain.)))

Pick any book you want to, but in case you'd like to read my book, you can check it here...

It's called Beyond the Lights.

I do write poetry as well..

Retentions it's called..

Let's put our hands together for the beginning of the...

Umm.. What was it? 🤔

Okay 🤪

Still not getting urghh 🤯🤯

Alright alright!!! 😍

Beginning of the Finesse Awards 😍💖

Ahaha I know that was dramatic. 😅

Here's a lucky clover for you 🍀

All the best everyone! 😀
Keep motivating each other! 😀


Finesse Awards (CLOSED) Where stories live. Discover now