Chapter 2

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"dia de los Muertos has begun!" I hear people cheer. I looked out of my window to see kids running around with their faces painted and sparklers in their hands. Miguel and I walked out to the dinner table we set up and began to sing and dance and celebrate! 

it was fun, but I have to admit that it wasn't as fun without papa hector or mama Imelda and mama coco and everyone else. but they're here because their pictures are up on the ofrenda! we just cant see them unfortunately.

Miguel began to play the guitar as I sang along with him. our cousins played their instruments along with us. 

after we finished, we decided to travel to the grave yard and visit out ancestors graves.

"mama, im going to go see papa hectors case! is it ok if I meet you there?" I asked her.

"me too!" Miguel said.

"ok just don't take too long!" she said making her way to the grave yard. 

we walked over to the case with his guitar and his letters to coco with each and every song lyric. I smiled at the sight of that. just knowing that our familia was so caring and passionate was amazing! 

"wouldn't it be cool if we could see them again?" Miguel asked.

"yeah," I replied still smiling.

"we should probably go find everyone else now," Miguel said.

"ok," I said as we began to walk away. just then out of the corner of my eye, I saw a man with a bat standing in front of the case. 

"Miguel?" I said making him look.

just as Miguel turned to him, he smashed the case and reached for the guitar.

"HEY!" miguel yelled at the person. 

they must have recognized that we were hectors descendants, because he picket up his bat and ran away empty handed. in the process of smashing the window, he knocked some of the letters out of place. I tried to fix them as Miguel reached for the guitar.

"Miguel, what are you doing?" I asked.

"I want to play papa hectors guitar," he said taking it off of the beams that kept it in place. 

"Miguel this is a bad idea," I warned him.

"I know it it, but I just... I just want to play his guitar," he said positioning himself to play.

I had no time to stop him before he strummed the guitar not playing any chord. we stood silent for a few seconds.

"alright that's enough now lets go," I said taking the guitar and putting it back in the case.

"we should probably tell someone about the glass," Miguel said. 

I agreed and we walked to find an officer to let them know what had happened. not too far away, there was an officer talking to some people. we waited respectfully for them to leave before we talked to him.

"excuse me sir, something happened to hector riveras case, you see, someone with a bat shattered the glass and tried to steal the guitar, but they ran away. the glass is still broken though," I said waiting for a response. 

"hello?" I asked.

he didn't turn around. I looked at Miguel and wondered why he was ignoring us.

"um, sir?" Miguel asked walking over to tap his shoulder, but when he did, his finger went through him. 

I stood there shocked.

"Miguel are you serious?" I asked angry and scared at the same time.

"oh my gosh," he said turning to me, "we're.... we're cursed again!" 

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