The woman walked closer, circling Chyna "you look...well. Your nose is bent but you aint look sickly. Them Hatfields been taken care of you?" The woman asked.

"Ah....'cuse me?" Chyna asked. "Course we are! Why woukdnt we! Whos are you anyhow!" Robert E. shouted out. "Shhh, boy!" Clint warned. "I'm Chastain Smith...I'm her sister." The woman said.

"Lies, I don't have any siblings." Chyna shot, stepping away from the woman. Chastain rolled her eyes and smiled, placing a hand on her hip she simpered playfully "well you got me so aparrently sweet little doe you do." Chastain sang.

Chyna eyed this strange new woman up and down with a glare. "Oh don't look like that - look here. Open that box, I wasn't comming here to find you - but this is a moat pleasant suprise!" Chastain said with a smile. She nodded to the small pine box. "I came here for that, all your answers? Right in there." She added.

Chyna looked down at the box and bit her lip.

"Gawd damn bushwackers" Cap muttered as he spat on the corpse of the man he'd just gunned down. He took the mans gun and riffle before setting the horse loose. He had long left thw young woman back in town. Cap had left her the dress and bought Chyna a near duplicate, yes he was out 150 green backs "but aint no way my girls wearin a dress some other girls worn already - not this time anyway." He thought.  Cap mounted Pardon and made his way home.

"So let me understand your meaning...." Clint asked slowly as they sat around the table at Chyna and Cap's cabin. Chyna worked at opening the pine box with Robert E. it was nailed shut in various places. "You call yourself Chyna's sister, you all don't look bit mo' alike....and you came here on the behalf of your father - Chyna's pa?" Clint questioned.  Chastain nodded and gave a coy smile "wait for the box to be opened dont spoil the mystery" she said.

"Well hell!" Robert E. cursed as he failed to open the box yet again. "Them nails are in there good." Billy muttered with wide eyes. "This is gonna have to wait - I gotta be too the Saloon soon and gots to pick up Cotton...get Clint back to Iris. Poor Jon's been stuck with take'n care of her all day." Chyna said quickly.

The box that once had her hopeful now had her terrified. What if she was related to this Chastain woman? Chyna had a perfect picture of the love vetween her mother and father, but if what Chastain said was true. It was a lie.

"The Saloon? Cotton? You got kids Chyna?" Chastain asked with excited curiosity "am I an auntie!" She near squealed. "I aint got no chil'ren!" Chyna said quickly, but found herself blushing as her eyes flicked the the backroom.

"Hell he might as well be," Clint chuckled "we is only bout 3 or 4 years apart. Cottons.....diffferent, if you catch my meaning. I jus' look after him - his pa was - special to me." Chyna said struggling to explain. "What?" Chastain asked confused. "Cottons a mushhead." Billy said plainly.

Chyna shot him a disapproving glare "well its the easiest way to get folk to get it." He said quickly he could sense her wrath. "Well then them rumors are true then? You tied to one of these horrible folks causing all this bloodshed thats been in a papers?" Chastain asked.

Chyna glared at her "look here - I aint so sure we is related." She said through geitted teeth. "But the Hatfields aint as bad as what you see in them papers. They aint horrible! Now you an' your friend need to leave. I got things to do." Chyna said sharply as she pointed to the door.

Chastain sighed "fine! But I'm comming back, dont forget to open that box Chyna. I'll be seeing you soon little sister." With those words chastain got up and signaled for Buckweet to follow her. "I can see my self out." She called closing the door behind her.

Robert E. and Billy exhaled, "that woman is awefully sure'herself aint she?" Clint said with a whistle. Chyna didnt reply her eyes were glued to the box. She found herself wishing now more than ever that Cap was home already.

Latter that afternoon Chyna was in the Saloon, she brought a bottle of whisky to a table shared by Cotton, Jim and Elias. "They took Lark and Frenchy today..." Jim muttered "Live?" Elias asked. Jim downed the whiskey in his glass "nope" he sighed. "Damn...well, they got Alex too - alive. Don't know if thats all much better." Elias said solemnly.

Chyna gripped the sides of her skirt, Cap wasnt going yo take this well. As if losing Skunkhair wasn't enough. Her eyes wandeted over to Johnsey who was drinking straight from the bottle at the bar while Luella fawned over him. She hated to ask him for any favors. She could already hear all the name calling she'd get.

But Chyna was worried, Cap was on his way back and the hunters were oit there searching hard - worse they had been sucessful. Alex was the sneaky sort, if they found him...

Chyna sighed and walked over to Johnsey.

"Excuse me." She called carefully, but he ignored her and kept on drinking. "Johnsey?" She asked again still nothing. Chyna narrowed her eyes at him she wanted to say something snarky but out here in the open really wasnt the best place for it.

"Excuse me, Johnsey." She called again. "Gawd dang it! Can't a man drink in peace!" Johnsey shouted slaming the bottle down. Chyna looked at him flatly, her expression dry. "What you want?" He snapped.

What? No names this time? Chyna was taken back. "They got Lark, French and Alex" Chyna said quietly. The smallness of her voice caused Johnsey to look at her. Chyna fiddled with her hands, nerves on end she looked up at him with fretful eyes.

"Caps out there, Jounsey, on his way home. By sundown he should be near the area, and them hunters..." Chyna said, Johnsey took a slow swig from the bottle. "I might keep an eye out for him before I head back cross the Tug tonight." Johnsey said simply, some of the bite had left his voice. Chyna smiled breifly, quickly covering it up she bowed her head a bit in thanks.

"Thank you Johnsey." She muttered quietly before going back to Cotton who smiled brightly at her. "I had fun at Miss Iris' place today." Cotton whispered to her. Chyna gave his head a pat and smiled tiredly "well I am glad someone had a good time today Cot." Chyna said.

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