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"Charlie, I miss you and I'm sorry. I love you." Was all I could say without starting to cry again.

"Are you sure you want to go in there?" Elijah asked when we approached the house.

"Someone's has to take care of the bodies.” I say walking up the steps. The door was cracked open from Alex as I suspected. I opened it more and walked in.

A disgusting smell hit me with in seconds. It smelled like someone was rotten and blood. I put my hand over my nose so I wouldn't smell it.

I looked at the walls seeing there was blood smeared with a hand print. I walked further into the house, to the kitchen in living room.

What scared me half to death was that there were two bodies on the couch. They we're sitting up and looked like they were alive but they were like statues. They had their back to me but I knew who they were.

I decided not to go and look at them because if I do I'll break at the sight of my dead parents.

The thought that came to mind was where Charlie was. I decided to look around the rest of my house for him. I went back to the entree room, past Elijah, Rebekah, and Caleb and went down the stairs to the basement.

I went straight to his room. Like the front door, the door was cracked. The same stench from upstairs was coming from his room. I knew I was going to regret opening the door but I did anyway.

I almost scream at the sight. There was blood everywhere. He was pinned up against the wall with a sword mom and dad had got him for Christmas time year. His head hung down and his arms and legs dangled off of the ground.

My curiosity stopped me from having a meltdown when I looked at the thing next to him; a piece of paper was tapped to the wall.

I walked over to it trying to ignore the sight of my lifeless brother. I recognized the hand writing straight away.

Dear Cat,

I'm hiding in the closet right now not wanting to face the man who is upstairs killing mom and dad. While hiding down here knowing my death awaits me, all I could think about was you, my beautiful sister. I want you to know I love you. The man upstairs was saying that he shared an acquaintance and then I heard him say your name. Whatever you have gotten yourself into I hope you'll get out of it and be safe. I want you to know that mom and dad said that they forgave you even though they didn't say it directly to your face. I know that all you wanted was your forgiveness from us, you got it. We don't blame you for what happened. You two just happened to be in the wrong place, wrong time. Thinking about Shailene's death made me think back; to see you were as broken as the rest of us were. I can't imagine how you are right now. Speaking for the three of us, please know that we love you and we want the best for you. We don't want you to be sad over this. Know that we will be reunited with Shailene and we will be watching over you. We want you to be happy. Look to your friends if you need guidance. I'm sure Harry will help you cope with this and try to make you feel better. If you miss us, you just need to think of us and we’ll be there. I want you to know that you will be okay. You are the strongest girl I have ever come to know. You are beautiful, you are brave and I love you. Mom and dad love you too. As much as it hurts me to say this, goodbye, I love you Cat.


I cry silently reading the letter that's until I faintly hear Elijah's conversation with Rebekah and Caleb.

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