Crescent 13: ...Arkaan who belongs to Allah(1)

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Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

Sorry for the late update. In Shaa Allah, I'll try not to delay the next chapter like I did for this one.

Alhamdulilaah, this is it:


That night, Arkaan didn't sleep. The room light, he kept off as he sat with a lamp at the study table, with a book made of sturdy leather cover.

He wished to read Hilya's diary in the utmost silence and solitude. After attending the halaqatul Taalim, he was lit with a strange fierce passion to study - to study all he could.

Before he retired, he asked Zak for certain ahadith books including the Riyâdhus-Sâlihîn, and a Holy Qur'an.

He spent part of the night reading the ahadith books encouraging the virtues of the Qur'an, learning, and ahadith.

As he read, his passion and yearn to learn the Qur'an increased. The benefit and blessings that came with learning the Qur'an and ahadith, knowledge in general, was vast and limitless.

Imagine getting ten hasanât(written records of good deeds) for reciting only one letter of the Qur'an.

Forget about ten hasanât *slapping his thigh* one could accumulate countless good deeds in a single day even by reciting the complete Sûrah Al Kawthar!(shortest chapter of Qur'an).

Arkaan wondered why with this, anyone's scale of good deeds(hasanât) would be light as compared to one's bad deeds(sayyi'ât) on Qiyâmah.

Even as the night went on...midnight, Arkaan's eyes were still wide open, and no signs of sleeping or even dozing, were visible.

In one night, he had learnt so many ahadith. By the time he closed the ahadith books, his heart was illumined with excitement and a yearn.

Glancing sideways at Hilya's diary, he opened the sturdy book to continue his reading. This was a memory;

The starry sky is vast and bright,
Fire flickers from the lit splinters,
A beautiful glow lifts to the heavens,
As if in praise, the wood cackles underneath,
It's a full moon night...

And as we sit still together under the cover of night, father gives a Bayaan(speech)
He talks of the Sahâbah, the noble companions of the Messenger, our Rasûl...

Our faces mirror the amazement and wonder,
Their great sacrifices and efforts can only but raise inspiration in our hearts.

Zayn's eyes are wide open,
Burning within those dark and inky orbs is his passion visible enough,
My hearts sinks in a hollowness knowing they gaze into emptiness.
He cannot see the world that I see...
And I know how much he wishes he least, see the sky once more.

It was written in a fate before time,
All our tales, by the One who is Mighty and Wise.

Perhaps, this is his trial from Allah.
After all, Allah is not satisfied with anything for the slave who shows patience over having been deprived of his two most beloved things,
Except to give him the Jannah (paradise) in return.

Many are we who have sight but do not thank our Lord enough for them
Everyday we get up and we can see,
It's a day to say, 'Alhamdulilaah' if for nothing at all then for the blessing of using our eyes in every waking moment...

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now