I hate myself

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When to incident happened I didn't tell my mother only because she wasn't talking to me (she's still not) and I didn't think she would care, I would always wear hoodies and after what happened I made sure I wore one. My teacher called my mom and told her some things and my mom took the hoodie I was wearing and cut it off, she going to cut all my hoodies I need those hoodies cause if I don't he's going to find me and hurt me again. All my hoodies are gone now and I'm freaking out crying on the way to school, she said that she doesn't care and none cares. My dad left when I was younger and I always thought t was because he didn't care and now she confirmed that thought none cares anymore and Idk what to do. I feel like just killing myself just to make her happy and everyone else happy cause who would care at this point. Some of my friends (who know about everything) said that they'll give me a hoodie for today and that they care but I think they're lying and only saying that to make me feel better. I think I'm going to take a break from everything im sorry I just need to

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