Are we in a drama?

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The bell rang signifying the end of your test. You smiled to yourself, it wasn't nearly as hard as you imagined, which gave you a bit of joy.

You waited till your test was taken up before beginning to pack your bag. You looked back at the clock and it was exactly 12:30.

You left the classroom not before taking your phone back from your teacher. You

You opened it and saw texts from your aunts and uncles wishing you luck in your exams, you opened SnapChat and began texting Aiana.

I'm finished my test, where do you wanna meet?

I'm about 5 minutes, give or take, away, just wait at the front and I'll collect you❤

You nodded to yourself and started making your way to the front of the school, unluckily for you, your test room was on the other side of the school, at least you wont be waiting for ages.

You were walking down the hallway, looking through instagram, when someone called your name.


You turned, rather quickly, not watching where you were going and had lost your footing on the now present stairs.

Out of instinct, you threw your phone to allow your hands to grab onto anything, but also, out of instinct, closing your eyes preparing for impact.

When you came back from shock, you heard a faint voice,

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

You felt your hands tight in a grip or fear, your body was stiff and your eyes refused to open, but with your curiosity you opened them slowly, coming face to face with Mark's worried face.

Realising you've just done the most basic scene in any high school drama your face goes a prominent red, before you began to nod your head.

Once Mark realised you weren't hurt, he set you back up, you were still embarrassed, and he was as well, even tho he wouldn't admit it.

"Sorry about startling you, I should've been more careful."

Mark said quietly, while rubbing the nape of his neck, you shook your head at him, slightly reaching your hand towards his arm,

"No, don't apologize, I'm the one who wasn't looking where I was going."

You said while smiling softly at him, he stared at your smile, the more he looked at it the more it became stuck in his head.  He smiled back at you,

"Well, seems as tho you're still as clumsy as ever."

He said chuckling at the end, you rolled your eyes at that statement, but the blush still remained evident on your cheeks.

"Well, for safety reasons, I'm gonna walk you to meet Aiana."

He said before grabbing your hand in his before hopping down the stairs. You don't even get a say in this, but the feeling of Mark holding your hand is something you don't want to pull away from.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2018 ⏰

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