Chapter 1: Dreadful Days Start With Michael

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Typical Monday mornings never went my way. It seemed it is was going to be that way again when I ran into Michael Clifford.

Hey, I'm Kylie Hampton. I'm short and have jet black hair. I have some piercings and tattoos and that gives people the right to judge me apparently. My best friend is Abigail, she is like my second half and I can relate to her with everything. Anyways, people always look at me like I'm the stereotype rebel but in fact I'm the complete opposite. I'm actually the good student, I'm always wanting to get everything perfect and I try to stir away from the bad boys and rebels in my school. They are complete asses anyway. They are rude and impolite and quite frankly they piss me off.

It was English time. I was actually excited because for one English is my favourite subject ever and lastly we are going to be watching 'The Great Gatsby.' Can that get any better?

When I walked in I took my usual seat beside Abigail. As I sat Abigail continually hit my arm. I swear sometimes I wonder how I deal with her. She looked at me excitedly.

"What's up with you Abigail? You seem way more excited than usual." I asked.

"You don't understand Kylie, we are watching 'The Great Gatsby' today, I've been wanting to see it since like 1985." She smirked.

"Idiot, you weren't even born then. You came into this wretched world in 1997. And plus I can't believe you are this excited about one movie. I mean hell I've been wanting to watch it too, but aren't you taking it a little too far?"

She laughed and said "Oh no child no one can ever take something too far when they like something."

She immediately shut up when our teacher walked in. I mean English is amazing but they couldn't have picked a nicer and cooler teacher? Mrs.Dawn is a total bitch. She is strict and hates every student.

As she stood in the front of the room, she said "Okay, everyone shut up! As you all may know I said we could watch 'The Great Gatsby' today and that is exactly what we are going to do but under one condition, every single one of you all have to stay quiet. Deal?"

Everyone in the class huffed and said "Deal."

Apparently I had fell asleep during the movie because when I woke up Mrs.Dawn was exiting out of the movie and telling us to pack up. I was shocked that time flew by that quickly. I gathered my bag and looked at Abigail, she was sound asleep and her hair was a total wreck, it was pretty funny.

I tapped her on the shoulder and said "Abby, wake up come on it is about time to go to our next class."

She rose up quickly with her eyes widened and said "Okay, I'm up."

I laughed at her completely being shocked. My laughing got interrupted by the loud ass bell telling us to go to the next class.

It is a routine for Abigail and I to walk out together. So when we got out of English we were walking to our next class which was Music Keyboarding. As we were almost to the class someone ran into me and knocked me down.

I huffed and said "Watch where you are going."

The guy said "Well you were in my way so I had to do something about it."

When I looked up I was faced with the one and only bad boy of the school Michael Clifford.

A/N: Holy shit, this probably sucked. Please vote and read! I still hope you all enjoyed it anyway. This was fun to write and I hope you all enjoy the chapters that are coming. Also, Music Keyboarding is actually a real class it is one of my classes this year and they teach you how to play keyboard. So yeah love you all!

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