A Pursuing Darkness Awaits a Destination ~ Part One

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Hello Fellow Followers, Fans and Devotee's, sorry for the long wait this chapter has proved more challenging to write. But here's the first part of the Chapter. Plus I would like to remind you all this story is an entirely a first draft, its not perfect.

From thestoryteller :)

Chapter Twenty- Three

A Pursuing Darkness Awaits a Destination

‘Perhaps it had been a day or so? Maybe even three or four days?’ she thought to herself with the reins in her hands as she travelled through the mystical darkness. With her white cloak wrapped around her with her hood up, as she watched the unicorns galloping soundlessly through the darkness. While the lanterns from the carriage waved and swung about as the lantern hovering above her head shared its warmth and light over her, casting that warm magical comforting glow.

It had not been long since she had checked up on the two sleeping sweethearts that had taken her potion once more and drifted off into a deep sleep, as Juliana laid on the back couch at the end of the carriage with Drake’s red cape draped over her. While Drake opposite her slept sitting up slumply his head leaning on the glass window of the carriage door, with Martin’s old unique coat over him.

Taking in a deep breath that ended with a long sigh as she slumped slightly on the perch where her cloak seemed to devour almost whole, she smiled as she began to express her wonderment on the transformation Drake had undergone. “It’s amazing how much he has changed within a year” she said to herself, “before he didn’t dare be adventurous, be daring, or even take a chance and a leap of faith.  For the fear being seen or even being near others because of their reactions towards him” she sighed once more waving her head, “I couldn’t believe it when he had swung me around that morning, I don’t know what happened between them but, whatever happened I hardly even recognised the boy.”

Instantly the unicorns bobbed their head up and down frantically as if they agreed with her, “he has definitely changed;it’s wonderful to see his eyes glow with cheeriness and life like they should.” She said as the unicorns began to nay and bob their heads in agreement, “So you both think so too do you?”She said asking them as she listened to their silent words.

“What? Why, in every way of course. He is the exact opposite as he was before. He is now so daring with chances, before he could not chance anything because he did not know the answer that will occur to his innocent actions. He has fallen in love with the girl who is meant to save him and everyone else.”Said Rosa.

One of the unicorns looked back at Rosa while the other stayed facing forward while bobbing its head while they continued to trot, the unicorn who looked at her nayed a question that threw her. As she replied instantly to the unicorn’s question, “of course I believe in him” she replied to itsnaying “I have every faith in him, I feel it in my bones and my very so that he can do it.”

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