what im meant to be

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For every time I look all I see is beauty

Every where

Surrounding me

The only thing i hear is my sweet melody

Engulfing me in it's beautiful rhythm

Everywhere I step I feel

The velvet grass beneath me

Sneaking it's way into the open spaces

In between my toes

Tickling me slightly

This is what I long for

This is what I love

This is my home

My home in the dark

The waves crash into the rocky shore

Lapping over each other on their way

Both trying to win the race

To reach the shore first

the stars twinkle above

as if they might go out if any sudden movement is made

the world seems to still

freeze in its place

the only sounds heard

made from the lapping of waves

racing to the shore

the animals heart beats

sounding loud

as they beat as one

and all that is beauty

is nature

this is where i belong

i can never fit into the modern world

that i was born into

i wasn't meant to be human

i was meant to be apart of this world

a spirit that lives in the stars

the deepest part of the ocean

every living creature

every feeling felt

the wind that blows across the land

that is what i am meant to be

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