I'm Lana Wright : Chapter 2

Depuis le début

     " What are we gonna do, Kelly?  Sectionals is next week!  Erica's one of the best we've got and -"

    "you're right, Lana " Coach says and rests on a school. For her big body : she sure does have a good body. Hey eyes are hazel :eyes that would make any man stutter in front of her. I really need to stop zoning out

    " .....replacement. The auditions starts tomorrow. You can go back to class now "

     I pick up my purple Gucci bag that I bought online for four hundred dollars yesterday.

  " you're not going anywhere, Lana.  We need to solve this " Kayla literally roars.

   " That's exactly what I wanted to do " I say.  That was exactly NOT what I wanted to do

    " So what are you gonna do? " Bella says rolling her eyes.  Bella's dating my ex - Oliver. We're pretty much on the I'm-not-your-friend phase.

I toll my eyes before saying. " I'll go talk to Erica to see what's happened and convince her to come back I guess " I say and shrug. They all stared at me like I just said I hated Justin Bieber

   " You would do no such thing ,Wright! Erica bailed on us. She's the enemy not a friend. If you go out acting like a friend to her, then you're the enemy and you also just betrayed this squad. Right, girls? " Kayla says

   " yes" they all say simultaneously

    Kayla should be head cheerleader not me. I lack leadership spirit. I lack team spirit.  Kayla's more fun. The squad like her more than me but I wonder why they voted for me then.

    I was already popular before I became a cheer leader. I was class president in middle school.  I was in the basketball team and cross country when I was 10 until    Brittany and mum talked me into signing up for cheer leading team.

   I didn't even have to audition twice because... I was flexible and I was tall and skinny.  I was pretty tall for my age. When I was nine, I was taller than my sister who's fourteen.

   " Back down, Lana " Phoebe says and puts a hand on my shoulder. Just as Phoebe opens the door for us to leave the gym, we spot Erica.

    " Yo, chicken! " Kayla starts referring to Erica

" you know Eri, you're the best description of a loser. " Kayla says and my heart flints for a second, then it's gone. I cut Kayla out

    "...you think we'll fail?. If you think we're come back crying after sectionals? You're wrong!  We don't need you. Seriously,we don't and we're all happy you ain't on the team.  Don't even think about coming back to the squad because no one's gonna take you back. Not even coach Kelly. Not me. Not them. Not us!  You're a failure, Eri. I mean, why? Why?  Go get a life, just go do something else that doesn't involve competitions, maybe you just might fit in!  "  Erica leaps off in tears.

     " way to go, Lana. You nailed it " the whole squad is smiling at me,even Kayla. I put on a fake smile. No, I just made someone cry. I wrecked her. I made Erica cry. What am I?  A monster?  How?  When did I become like this?


   Pushing open the door, I realize I left something that's much more worse than my problem.

   My parents are fighting. Again.

   They started having little misunderstanding early this year. Ive asked them times without numbers what the heck was going on with them. No one told me.

    They're acting like teenagers. Sooner or later, I know I'll find out what's going on.

   I have more fishes to fry right now.

  I just walk upstairs without saying hello. They don't even notice my presence. They only do when they throw wads of cash on me or when they tell me they'll be gone on a business trip.

   They don't even know they have a kid anymore.

  I'm pretty sure they don't even remember they have a kid named - Brittany.

    Ever since Brittany went to college in Florida, she rarely comes home. Once in a year or twice, nothing more than that.

Sometimes I feel like, maybe they regret having us. I mean, it happens.

  I shrug off my clothes, take a quick shower and put on black leggings, white crop top and black sandals. I pick up my iPhone8 and my music box and run downstairs.

   I revved the engine of my car and decide to just drive anywhere.


     I walked with my nose in the air. Maybe it's because if the clothes I'm wearing : cream tank top, black leather jacket, turquoise pleated skirt that reached my mid thigh and ankle length black boots. I'm even wearing a gold anchor necklace

   I sat with Kim at the corner of the cafeteria, munching on my pina colada salad. I brought it from home. At least my mum still cooks.

  I hate cafeteria food. It's always so greasy and under-cooked. One time when they were serving pizza, I saw a fingernail in it.

    Last week,  Mason saw a half chewed gum in his soda.  Speaking of Mason.....

   " Have you seen Mason? "

" No" she says bluntly with a mouthful of hamburger.

I stand up and start walking towards the door

Oh no!  I totally forgot about Mason. He said he wanted to talk yesterday. 

Oh!  No!


That does it. The second chapter finally here.

I'm so sorry I took forever to post this chapter but it wasn't entirely my fault.

I have to juggle with school and work. So guys it's really stressful.

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I'm so sorry I didn't mention Zayn in this chapter but he might be in the next chapter.

   You should totally check out my other stories :

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Nickelodeon get away contest

Nicholas Hayes

They're pretty interesting

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Raining_Clods ☔ ☁

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