FFL: Chapter Ten [Pt.2]

Comenzar desde el principio

He licked his bottom lips, "I told you, I had to. That's what he deserved anyways."

I shook my head, "NO ! That's not your place to decide it ! " I yelled wondering who was before me. In fact, not the August I knew. The man right there was a monster and he didn't feel guilty to have killed another man. How is it even possible ?

"He f*cking...did what he did and you didn't want to take your revenge ? " I shook my head again.

"What are we going to tell the police now ? " I responded with another question. They were going to arrive really soon.

As I thought about it, the doorbell rang. August didn't hesitate and went to answer the door. A couple of seconds later, he came back in the kitchen with two policemen behind him. My heart started beating extremely fast immediately. Here we are.

I lowered my head to look at my feet. I couldn't help, but cried. Why ? Why are we in this situation ? I just wanted to take my belongings and to get out of there as soon as possible, but this is not how it went. At all. Bad surprise by bad surprise and we ended by killing someone. Okay, he was not innocent and I thought several times about a way to make him regret the pain he caused me. I'm not going to lie, even the thought about killing him went through my mind, but I was never really serious about this.

"You are going to follow us to the police station. Can you put your hands behind you, please ? " One of the policemen said after a moment of silence and having examined the scene of the crime. They cuffed Aug and I and got us in the backseat of their car. An ambulance arrived as they started the engine. I cried all the time not knowing what was going to happen to us. I don't want to go in jail. 

Thirty minutes later, we were at the police station. They got us out the car and led us to a dark room where there were a table and two chairs. They sat us down and released the cuffs around our wrists. Then left the room closing the door behind them. Everything was happening to fast for me. At this moment, I simply wanted to lay in a bed and to sleep. It was too much for my brain and my emotions. I was tired and I had cried practically the entire day. I was officially done with this day, but I knew that we were far from the end with all of this sh*t. 

Neither August, neither I said a word. I was too busy panicking while him was in deep thoughts. He had put his elbows on the table and his head was in his hands. After a moment that seemed like forever, an inspector came in and placed himself in front of us.

"Alright. I'm gonna tell you how we're going to proceed. I'm gonna talk with the lady at first and then with mister over there." After he said that, a policeman came and took August out the room. 

"Alright. What's y--"

I didn't even let him finish, I was too anxious and I couldn't control myself. I told him everything. My name, my age, what had happened in the apartment, all the sh*t this jerk put me through, why August was with me and how all of this ended. But I changed a little the details. Instead of telling him that August killed him by anger, I said that the bastard was going to kill me and that August only wanted to save me. It was self-defense.

I knew it was bad to lie, but I couldn't let them put Aug in jail. After all, it was almost the truth. August would've not killed him if it hadn't hurt me. He only wanted to take revenge for me. After I finished talking, he nodded his head and called someone to come to take me. Then it was to August to have a conversation with the inspector. 

I was in a cell, alone, waiting patiently for them to be done. My right leg couldn't stop jumping frantically. And I felt like my heart had stopped beating in my chest. It was taking too long in my opinion. One hour passed by and someone suddenly opened the cell where I was, "You're free to go." What ?

I couldn't believe it. How ? Why ? What happened ? I slowly stood up from the little bed and walked out the cell, "Where is August at ? " I asked the woman. She shrugged, "Follow me, we're going to give you back your belongings and you'll be able to go." 

As I was about to leave still without understanding what was going on, a person tapped slightly on my shoulder. I turned around and it was August. I jumped in his arms and hugged him firmly, "Are you okay ? " He asked once we pulled away. 

"Yeah. What's going on ? Why can we leave ? What happened ? What did you tell him ? " I answered then attacked him with my questions. I was going crazy and I needed responses to feel better. 

He looked around him, "Hmm...Let's go, I'll tell you later. But just know that we're fine and all of this is behind us." I frowned. What was he talking about ? What did he mean by saying that ? I was even more confused. I was completely lost with all the recent events. I needed explanations. 

Love is confusion...


Let me know what you think about it.

A/N: Sorry if it's not good, but I had writer block. I didn't really  know what to write for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it though.

Thanks for having read !


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