Act 2: Truth

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"It must have a separate power supply to the main buildings" Miles said behind me. I nodded and walked in calmly. Just then something flickered into life.

"Welcome to the Great Alteran city, Atlantis... And welcome to your doom"...


Act 2: Truth

I pulled out my sword and got ready to attack. The hologram laughed. It looked like a beautiful woman but... more beautiful than anyone human.

"I kid with you! Sorry but the last people who were here didn't like me being funny... Ah... Five years of bliss..." the holowoman said.

"Hold up. Only five years?! There has been no one on here for only five years???" Miles exclaimed. The holowoman nodded.

"Yup. It's been five years since the Atlantis Mission left to return to Earth... I wonder how they are." She asked. I looked at Banjo who looked as clueless as i felt. Then Miles snapped his fingers.

"The Great War! That happened five hundred years ago on Earth. Destroyed the face of the Earth and created one new continent, the other seven stayed the same . Luckily most people survived and settled down on the new continents." Miles explained. The woman nodded but then looked shocked.

"Thought so... But its been five hundredyears?! Then that means Atlantis put itself in a Time-Dilation field....We, the Alterans predicted that with the amount of weapons they had from all of their allies, us and their enemies it would destroy and remake the Earth." She stopped suddenly and stared at us hard. "AHA! I knew it! You guys have the power of the Phases! I can sense that seven of all eight of you are here... Lady Amaterasu foretold of this day!" the holowoman yelled. I looked at Miles and he shrugged.

"How... How do you know Goddess Amaterasu?" I asked her. She smiled.

"Your Goddess Amaterasu was our Goddess too. We called her Lady Amaterasu as she walked among us and told us to call her that but..." She trailed off looking wistfully into the distance "Then the Ori broke off from us. They created a false god to rule their religion called Origin. This false god possessed god-like powers but made from technology. Lady Amaterasu engaged him in battle and they attacked each other on the higher planes of existence to avoid accidentally destroying anything. We believe that after defeating the false god she has been trapped up there. Most of us Alterans Ascended to try and find her but we never have..." she finished, a tear falling from one of her eyes. We walked into the surprisingly spacious room and she briskly wiped away the tear before heading over to a console.

"Right. You need to know a brief plan of this city" she said. Miles walked over to her and looked up at the hologram which showed the outside of the city.

"This city is basically the design of a snowflake. There are ground rods in all ends. These can siphon the energy from the lightning storms that frequent over this planet, Lantea, into the sea. Or they can be used to power the Great Shield which shall surround this city. The Shield is impregnable. Nothing can get in or out. Unless you use the Stargate" The picture changed to a hologram of the Ring thing.

"Th-Thats the thing I touched! It flickered slightly when i touched it." I said and the woman nodded.

"That's because you all have the blood of the Alterans running through you. Back on Earth some of us stayed there and interbred with the Tau'ri, your people the humans. You have the power to control the GateShield. It is strange; normally it can be used by all, those with the blood and those without. It seems after Lieutenant Colonel Sheppard left Atlantis, it seems to have developed a conscious form in a way. It was probably to protect itself but... I do not understand why it has limited one function per one person..." she said her brow furrowing.

"Then you must be the ones we only knew as the Ancients!" Akiro said suddenly. The woman smiled and nodded.

"Yes, we are. Now I need to finish telling you about the city." The image changed again. "This is the GateJumper. There are two exits for the Jumper Bay. One is above sea level and the other is below the sea and the manual control to empty the water is in the room next to it. It should do it automatically but the doors might jam again... Now this is the most important part. You MUST pay attention to this. In another room there is a Chair. This Chair can show you the galaxy you are in and the planets there are Gates on. It will also show you the Gate Address. Also the Chair controls the 'Drones' as General O'Neill called them. He used them first on Earth when fighting Anubis... Oh and... There are two other rooms which act like 'lifts'. The Transporters work similarly to the Asgard's Transport Beams and our Ring Transporters. They can go anywhere in the city as long as you touch the screen at the back of it and it is near a Transporter room." She finished and we all nodded and then Banjo spoke.

"But then... Why are we here? How did we get here?" he asked and the woman grimaced.

"As i said earlier, Atlantis has a conscious form now- I would imagine that the worst is about to happen. So it sent a small fail-safe beam through the Gate to the Earth one and it found that the people nearest the Gate with Alteran blood were the people in New Mobotropolis. Which means it used the Emergency Transport Rings to summon all of you here. Then Lady Kanu cut in.

"The worst? What is happening to this city?!" she asked frantically.

"The city is losing power rapidly. Which means that something is taking it. And at this rate all the power its losing will cause it to fall back under the sea. And the fail-safe for when the shields fail will not work. The city will fall deep into the sea and be destroyed. The city is dying..."

Dixie Crossover: Atlantis- Fall From Grace [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now