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We got back the weekend before school. He let me stay at his house the entire weekend. Monday morning, I went to school. That afternoon at practice I got there a few minutes early like I have been doing. Tex was sitting in a chair near the chutes staring at his phone. He pulled me to him.

"How was your day?" I asked him. "I would say a bad word, but I don't want to in front of you." He said. I kissed his cheek. "Who crapped on your meal?" I asked. "Guess." He said. "What have they said now?" I asked. "That I got you pregnant." He said. "You wanna know my plan for our first baby?" I asked him. "I'll listen to anything you have to say." He said.

"What if, we waited all summer before we had a baby, then six weeks before NFR, if we time it just right, do you know what I'm meaning?" I asked him. "So you want to be six weeks pregnant when we go to NFR?" He asked. "Why? Does that sound good?" I asked him. "Just curious. Wouldn't we lose the baby?" He asked. "No. It would still be too small for anything to hurt it." I said.

He sighed. "I won't be able to ride next season." I told him. "You'll be growing our first child." He said. "I've already calculated everything. The baby would be born around the end of July, beginning of August." I told him. He sighed. "Let's. Let's just not talk babies right now." He said. I readjust myself on his lap. "Ok. We don't have to talk about it until after we're married." I said.

"It's not that. Someone could catch us talking bout it and use it as evidence." He said. I looked directly at him. "The only evidence needed is me peeing on a stick and the record for any doctors appointments or hospital visits over the past three months." I said. He scoffed. "Is that all the evidence needed?" He asked.

"I'll say it is. As long as they can't find my pregnant, case won't even be looked at and the school board would have done it for nothing. They would be in scalding hot water now. Anything they claim now, won't be taken into consideration even if it is true." I said. He kissed the tip of my nose. "I called practice off today for it. Go home, get a shower, someone should be calling you to go and take multiple pregnancy tests." He said.

"How fun." I said. "Be sweet." He said. "I'm not sweet when someone I love is being threatened." I told him. He chuckled. "Be nice." He said. "I'll try." I said as I went back to my truck. I was on my way home when I got the call. The school had better be paying for this.

A police officer was there waiting on me. I went up to the counter and stated why I was there. The lady behind the desk nodded before having me take a seat. Few minutes later, a nurse called me back. She drew a little blood and had me use the simple pee on the stick pregnancy test. About five to ten minutes later, the results were in.

"Well. I don't see anything concerning. You are not pregnant and are healthy as ever." She said. "Thank you." I answered. As I went to walk out, the lady at the front desk asked if I was going to pay for my visit. "No. Because it wasn't necessary. The school board made the claim that I was pregnant before getting married. I know I'm not and if I was, word would spread vastly if I was." I said. The lady let me leave.

I went directly home and up to my room. I got a shower and sent Tex a text saying that I was not pregnant and am making the school board pay for the tests ran. I went downstairs to eat dinner. Gavin and his three younger boys joined us for dinner. "So what did you do today?" Mom asked. "Went to school, then Tex cancelled practice because of the school's latest allegation against him." I said.

"What was it this time?" She asked. "Student pregnancy. Claiming that I was pregnant with his child without being married to him." I said. "Need to mind their own business, sounds like." Gavin said. "Were you?" Mom asked. "No. Not until after I'm married to him." I said. "Did you pay for the testing?" Mom asked. "I refused to because the school board has to stick their noses where they don't belong. Most of this town would have known if I was pregnant before I probably would have." I said.

"Don't pay a cent. It's the school board versus you and Tex. One false allegation and over half of the town is on your side. Two false allegations, and parents will start moving their child to a different school whether they like it or not." Mom said. "Then I'm so glad this year is almost over and that I'm a senior." I said.

The front door opened. In walked the oldest. "Heard you were pregnant to that coach." He said. "Don't start. You will sleep outside tonight if you start trouble." Gavin told him. He held up his hands in a surrender like pose. "Was just wondering if it was true after the first allegation that was made."

"Then why don't you ask him your self." I said as I got up from the table. I went directly to my room, locked the door, and went to bed.

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