25-Holiday vibes

Começar do início

"Way to ruin out buzz Chloe

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"Way to ruin out buzz Chloe." Tyler says while he sulks.

I roll my eyes and get a drink from the waiter. I relax in the floaty with my drink.

I look at all my friends and notice Dylan is missing.

"Where's Dylan?" I ask.

"He has to take a call." Aidan answers.

"Oh ok."
                                    Dylan's POV.
I walk away from the rest of the group when I see the caller ID. I get to a quite area and answer the call, I hope he has good news.

"Dylan is it you?"


"Ok, I found out some news, we found out who he is."

"What's his name?"

"Ryder Hawston."

"And his location?"

"We still don't know but we are still searching, I will let you know if their is any new news but for now just relax and keep your eyes out for any suspicious things."

"Ok thanks Justin."

"Keep safe dude."

"Thanks you to Dude."

I end the call and a million thoughts go through my mind, what if I can't protect Chloe, she means so much to me, I don't want to put her in danger and all my other friends, I can't do that to them, what if they get hurt, I can't loose anyone else, I can't hurt her, it not the right time to tell Chloe yet, I'll tell her soon.

I walk back to the group and act like everything's ok.
Back to Chloe's POV.
"Guys let's go to the movies."

"Ok." Everyone says.

"Oh Eva and I have dinner reservations so we'll see you guys tomorrow at breakfast."

"Ok enjoy your night." I say and wiggle my eyebrows at Eva she just goes a bright tint of red.

We all make our way to our rooms and get done.

"Baby should I wear the blue or red t-shirt?" Dylan asked as he walks out of the dressing room shirtless.

"Well why don't you just go like that." I say as I smirk.

"Oh don't worry you can see all this tonight but I don't think all of the people in the hotel want to see this so blue or red?"

"Blue so we match."


"Ok smile I want to take a picture of you."


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(Just a example of how Chloe looks)

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(Just a example of how Chloe looks)

"Ready?" Dylan asks


We make our way out of the room not forgetting to lock the door. We got to the cinema and got the snacks, once we were all seated me started talking like we always do.

"Chloe, what are you going to do about Mikayla and Tyler?" Amelia asked.

"What do you mean by that?" I  asks

"Well I see how you look at him when he holds Mikayla." Amelia says

"I'm with Dylan it's not fair on him if I have feelings for someone else." I said

"Exactly So you need to tell him, I think he still loves you not Mikayla because I've seen him look at you when you with Dylan and he doesn't exactly look ok."Amelia said

"I need to think I just want to enjoy my vacation for now." I said


The movie started and Dylan and I snuggled up together, for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about the choices I need to make. Dylan and me,Tyler and me,Liam and me or Jarred and me, fuck it all, I wish I could go back to look ugly so I could just have friends.

The movie ended and we all decided to go drinking since we were all old enough.

Drink after drink we got more and more drunk, we started playing a game with shots each person gets a dare and if they deny don't do it they take a shot or if they deny a truth they also take a shot.

After a while we were extremely drunk,Dylan fell asleep on the couch in the hotel room so Tyler helped me to my room, then everything went blank.
Tyler's POV.
"How drunk are you?" I said while laughing.

"Ooh,Tyler look a pizza bed." Chloe said as she ran to the bed.

"Chloe I think your a little bit to drunk, now I'm going to go get you some pajamas and then you can get dressed and sleep." I said while trying not to laugh as Chloe did the worm on her bed.

"Ok." She said like a toddler

I walked to her closet and got her some comfy pjs, in other words the clothing she stole from Dylan and I, I put it on her bed and just as I was about to leave she tugged on my arm.

"Please stay, I don't wanna sleep alone." Chloe said with pleading eyes.

"Chloe, your drunk you don't know what you saying."

"Please, as my best friend just hold me til I fall asleep, it's only one night and nothings going to happen."


She got dressed and I walked over to the bed, I took my shirt off cause if I'm going to go sleep I need to be comfortable.

She came to the bed and jumped in, she snuggled up in my arms and kissed me on my cheek.

"Thanks Tyler."

I smiled at her as she slowly well asleep, after she fell asleep I started to doze off.
Dylan's POV.
Fuck I have a massive headache! I must have fallen asleep on the couch. I walked to the kitchen to look for a headache tablet but found nothing, just my luck.

Maybe there are some in the bathroom, I made my way to the bathroom and got some tablets.

I heard someone from the extra bedroom, who is here?
Amelia's POV.
I ran over to Chloe's room, I need to get Tyler out of there before Dylan comes in and thinks something else is going on.

"Tyler come on, before Dylan comes in here." I said in a kinda scream whisper.

She looked grateful and slowly got up trying his bed to not wake up Chloe, he quickly put his shirt on and put some painkillers on her bedside table and a glass of water.
Tyler's POV.
I heard Amelia's voice, and got out of bed trying my best not to wake up Chloe, I put my T-shirt on and put some painkillers and water on Chloe's bedside table.

Before I left I looked one last time at her and smiled, she is so beautiful, I wish she chose me, fuck I still love her.
Hey everyone
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for the late updates


Love Hurts When You Are To LateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora